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True Born Gaming Donations.

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thx for the good server
I am being forced to do this
this is to pay for Fast's catnip addiction
Bravo is the biggest Bravo I've ever seen. I would know a thing or two about bravo's too, no one knows more about Bravo's than me. Well except maybe Bravo but he tells me lots about Bravo's and I can confidently say that I know potentially almost as much as he does about Bravo's. So that would make me the #2 Bravo and that's all right.I challenge anyone to try to know more about Bravo's than me or Bravo and I can tell you right here, right now, that they would fail. It's impossible for anyone else to know more about Bravo's than us, simply impossible.In fact I think we should hold college courses on Bravo's and maybe that will help students feel like their tuition is actually going towards something useful instead of CHINA and DEI. I think these courses could teach our youth alot about this very important subject and I think I am going to make an executive order about it.The Dems will try to stop me but I'll just tell them they should have got KAHMAHLAH elected if they didn't want college courses about Bravo made. That's what losers get to deal with though and we never lose. I don't even think we lost once, not for real at least. We all know who really won that one time. Yea.Even Melania thinks we won that time, she won't let me kiss her anymore, but that's not a loss her lips are like sandpaper. Not enough Chapstick. Gotta get our Chapstick from American suppliers and producers and no one does that anymore, everyone outsources their Chapstick production to China or Taiwan instead of making it in America. That's why Bravo and I are going to make Chapstick Great Again in this country. Our Country of America.Biden didn't have enough Chapstick and look where that got him. He can't even kiss his own wife, she's too busy looking at me and admiring my Chapstick. I use the Strawberry flavor because Strawberry's were polled to be the most American fruit ever. The most Strawberry's are produced right here in America and I have to say America has the best Strawberry's of anywhere. Bravo can confirm that American Strawberry's are the best because he asked St. Ides about it and no one knows more about Strawberry's than St. Ides. St. Ides says American Strawberry's are the sweetest and juiciest strawberry's on the market and that's not a lie. You can prove it just by eating an American strawberry. You can taste the Truth, Truth Social. Yea.
love the clan lets keep it going.


This month
Reset date
Apr 1, 2025


  1. Campaign goal
    $600.00 of $600.00 - reached!

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