Wake Island Dogtag Challenge


Mar 6, 2011
They word it in such a way that you can't confirm or deny their intentions:
Announcing The Wake Island Dog Tag Challenge
Help commemorate the launch of Battlefield 1942 by revisiting Wake Island (in Battlefield 3: Back to Karkand). Next week, we launch the Wake Island Dog Tag Challenge, where we task PC players to compete against Xbox 360 and PS3 players to reach a specific number of game rounds on this legendary map. Stay tuned for the full details on this challenge soon.

I guess it means its time to break out the keyboard and mouse!


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So the platform that plays the greatest number of rounds on Wake gets a speshal dogtag. Then the other platforms get it a week later.
So the platform that plays the greatest number of rounds on Wake gets a speshal dogtag. Then the other platforms get it a week later.

Yeah I guess that makes the most sense. Well its likely the result has already been predicted by dice using the statistics they have on user counts and people who own b2k. One is going to have a larger number of available players and balanced with active usage statistics the only major variable is how many will change up from playing AK or whatever to do this challenge.