Anyone with interest in NFS World a hell of a time to start out now. (ITS OVER)


Mar 6, 2011
Not sure if its still active but last I checked this code for a free car worked - 7DWK-KCXG-6Y3B-YSA8
Its that lancia i had in one video its near top end b class car, great all arounder and pretty good in b class specific races. Once you have installed the game and created a driver profile u can enter this code. After that if it worked go to gifts, select the shard your profile is on and redeem gift. If it doesnt show up right away go to purchase cars and it should be free under the gift category.

The Origin start pack is 9.99 at the moment, contains what would normally be 20-25 bucks worth of the "speed boost" basically the cash in game u get with real cash. On top of that is 3 free cars.
- 8000 SpeedBoost
- 3 FREE Cars*
? BMW Z4 Coupe, Porsche Cayman S & Toyota Supra (MK IV)
- Bonus gifts for all new Drivers**
? Double Rep rewards for 10 days
? Double Starting Powerups
? $60,000 Additional Starting Cash

I play in the Chicane US shard so id say do chicane not apex :p All that for 9.99 turns this free to play, pay to win game into a bit more fun. It might be awkward at first word of warning you end up having to do 2 races before you can get into multiplayer races. Son't worry about car slots the free cars expand slots by one and as you rank up you get more free spots.
damn i remember when there was only one server, but what's yer name in-game?
damn i remember when there was only one server, but what's yer name in-game?

rainmotorsport because well you know cant fucking have one more letter. Yeah it was all Apex apparently then they split it one apex one chicane in the us and another pair for the eu. If you were on back then your probably on the original apex server.
I made a new one on chicane, adding you (im TIPIET [bitch didnt let me use lowercase])
I made a new one on chicane, adding you (im TIPIET [bitch didnt let me use lowercase])

Kick ass we can roll some time. Today I've pretty much finished my main goal. One car in each class maxed except s. A treasure hunter, a juggernaut and a drag car. There will be losses but I've assembled a decent arsenal in which to wage war. As far as S class goes I have 3 cars there but there is no such thing as maxing em out.
Would you reccomend picking up a controller for this game????????
let me guess, even though PS3 controllers have usb, there are no drivers on the interwebs to be able to use one of those?
It's funny you should make this thread. I saw your videos and remembered how much I love NFS and downloaded it yesterday. I'm on Chicane as Soldier4Real and I'm awesome :)
Nice soldier catch u soon then man.

Yeah its restarted but its a keyboard game. Xbox controller is supossidly support and about 10 other common game pads. Mine is on the list but is known not to work so I just key mapped it.
I'm using the X-Box 360 USB controller and it works well for the races though it's useless for the menus.
I just down loaded. Keep getting server is down.