NS2 transitioning to rust game


TBG Founder
Jan 2, 2008
So i got your feedback (sid/mattc/thelus/cotton) about getting a rust server. Looks like it is doing pretty well as an alpha. I was also told other NS2 guys were interested in rust as well.

So if that is the case we can drop the ns2 server and get one rust server.

Rust servers are not available yet (with our provider) but I am hoping to be able to toss it in our Bf4 box without any issues. That would result in the server being free. So..depends how much cpu it takes up.
I actually played the shit out of it this weekend, and all I can say is:


I'd be quite happy if TBG had a server for it, I'd probably move to it :-) .

That being said, I'd be careful where you install it, because I read some things about quite high CPU and memory usage. Not sure if it's still an issue today, without mods, so it might be worth trying.
I have the game now, but I haven't had time to play it (I skipped out on the double XP weekend in BF4 to keep playing AC:BF.
What servers are people playing on now? I'd love to hop on and have my noob ass owned at spawn with you all.
I actually played the shit out of it this weekend, and all I can say is:


I'd be quite happy if TBG had a server for it, I'd probably move to it :) .

That being said, I'd be careful where you install it, because I read some things about quite high CPU and memory usage. Not sure if it's still an issue today, without mods, so it might be worth try

Keep in mind games developed by garry such as Garry's mod for source and rust are NOTORIOUS for ddos

Extremely common in these games so I would rather keep it off our bf4 box. Sadly this guy did not contact nfo so nfo may not have it or it will take some time. We could look elsewhere for server rental. The gsp List is extremely small at this time

What is a good slot count to run a server?
My take is on how we admin the server. I'm interested in it but from what I've seen on youtube, it looks like there is a lot of griefing and trolling. Any way of handling issues like a safe zone or something like that?
Cs is way worse for trolling specially with the mic...I deal with it on a regular basis ...daily.

If you have a good amount of admins if shouldn't be so overwhelming

If someone is trolling do the warn mute/kick ban step.
rust server plox ? its quite a good game despite some of the hacks :S and poor admins bullying their clients
"Griefing and trolling" is part of the game. IMO there should be no admining as far as that goes. The only problem I have is with speedhacks and no recoil, I've heard they exist. Unfortunately, it's unity so it's probably easily hackable... also it's vac-protected, but who knows if/when particular cheats will be banned.

As far as DDOSing, yeah, I'm definitely looking forward to that...

Also, the game evolves, so we might need to reset the server in the future as things change... They're talking about changing permissions around placed objects/other gameplay changes/etc./etc. That's the other part about it being an alpha and all. Nevertheless, it's a really interesting concept, and the execution is quite good IMO. Also, I hope they don't remove zombies / radiation / radtowns. I like that gameplay.

P.S. Mic spamming doesn't exist in Rust, so that'll never be an issue (except potential bandwidth waste I guess). If you mic spam people hear you and you die xD ...
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theres a differnt between trolling and just takeing someones shit griefing is worse camping a base till someone quits and never plays on the server again 90% of the good bases out there always are hidden well big or small so people use ESP to find you fly and then land outside a base and fuck with you till you log off now i can under stand c4ing somones door if u happen to stumble upon their base and take stuff u need or want but camping is just stupid
Need to come up with a title. I say "TBGclan.com-New-NoLag-Starterpack-Instacraft-PVP."

I'm with Heat. As much as it pains me to say. The game is for troll's and greffers. This should not be admin Unless racism is involved. We would need to see a full server to judge the rest.
No support for it from gametracker yet..unless someone here was to customize one