Titanfall on Sale for $37.00 on Amazon

That game is quite fun.

It was fun when I played it. I just couldn't justify spending 60+ bucks on a multiplayer only game where the devs claimed taking single player out saved them tons of money and development time
It was fun when I played it. I just couldn't justify spending 60+ bucks on a multiplayer only game where the devs claimed taking single player out saved them tons of money and development time
you see all the artists and storywriters are young, young college graduates think they need to be paid thousands of dollars or they're not going to work. When they do finally work they bring the excuse that they are young and need to live their lives.
you see all the artists and storywriters are young, young college graduates think they need to be paid thousands of dollars or they're not going to work. When they do finally work they bring the excuse that they are young and need to live their lives.

It's made by Respawn, who was founded by the former president and vice president of Infinity Ward. These aren't newbies to the field...
I expect titanfall 2 will have a better campaign. I personally don't think the game needs it. Plenty of fun from a purely multiplier aspect.
I've got my Money out of Titanfall 10x more than I have out of BF4. I can count on 1 hand the number of titanfall crashes and downtime. BF4? I'm out of hands toes and ears.