Star Citizen: Dog Fighting Module Video and Pictures


Registered User
Jan 3, 2008
Here's a couple vids and shots of the DFM.

PAX East Gamer Trying Out Star Citizen at the Booth

Ingame Onlly Clips of the DFM Event.








Looking so amazing. Can't wait for this module. I'm resisting the urge to buy a joystick. Hopefully my xbox controller will satisfy my needs since I can't really drop more cash on this right now.
Looking so amazing. Can't wait for this module. I'm resisting the urge to buy a joystick. Hopefully my xbox controller will satisfy my needs since I can't really drop more cash on this right now.

Yeah, I'd hold off on buying much of anything till the entire game gets closer to drop. They're talking about a SC specific HOTAS being designed by a major manufacturer (likely either Logitech or Saitek). A lot of people have said the Mouse and keyboard is actually we'll see.
That's gorgeous.

I am going to splurge on a full set of controls for this one dude, you are not going to be able to do the evasive maneuvers you want with just m & kb.
They're going to put out some high def video of the DFM later on this week.
That's gorgeous.

I am going to splurge on a full set of controls for this one dude, you are not going to be able to do the evasive maneuvers you want with just m & kb.

Probably why I will never own it :(
A note to anyone who hasn't backed yet and is putting it off...there are currently 730 alpha slots left. This is 730 left from the original 400,000 offered. If you want in on this, I'd suggest getting it quick fast in a hurry. I'd imagine they will be gone tomorrow afternoon.

After that it will cost $5 a slot for EVERY alpha module, PU alpha, or PU beta you want access to(if you plan on doing the alpha and/or beta).
More info

In other words, why are you still reading this? Seriously. Stop. Go pledge.
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Like Bot said. At least pick up a basic freelancer package. Not a lot of cost and you get all the benefits. You can view and enter your ship NOW in the hanger module.
Looks like everything is on track for access starting up by the end of the month. A ton of things could still go wrong and push it into next month - but hopefully we'll have some hands on action shortly!
I cant decide on a ship package...Freelancer is awesome, but the Avenger and Hornet tug at my bounty hunter strings.
I have freelancer too and a 300 series. No org for SC, I joined Imperium a while back