[Squad] What FPS are you getting? And what hardware?


Registered User
Dec 24, 2015
Hey, Squaddies.

I'm trying to find my bottleneck that is causing me to average 35 FPS in Squad after the v10 update. I know there are some issues with the v10 update causing lower FPS for a lot of people but I was getting about 50-60 before the update and none of my hardware changed.

My rig (for now)
Core i7 2600
500GB Evo 850 SSD
GTX 1060

I mean, the CPU is old af but the rest is not bad at all. The game isn't really enjoyable lately with the hit I took in performance. I'm thinking my CPU is the issue here.

I'm curious what kind of hardware you guys have and what FPS you are seeing consistently with v10
what is the clock speed of your processor? That might be part of the issue.
If your ssd full or near full squad will take a massive dump, ive had that problem with the same ssd u have
If your ssd full or near full squad will take a massive dump, ive had that problem with the same ssd u have

300GB free at the moment. Fresh windows install recently as well. Had the problem before the reinstall so that isn't related
Strange, I have a I3 6100 and 1050ti and I usually never dip below 40 FPS, except on like Basrah. Clearing out my SSD did help but seems that isn't your issue. I have DDR4 ram but I doubt that's what is causing it. What settings are you running?
Have you cleared your squad %localappdata%
Strange, I have a I3 6100 and 1050ti and I usually never dip below 40 FPS, except on like Basrah. Clearing out my SSD did help but seems that isn't your issue. I have DDR4 ram but I doubt that's what is causing it. What settings are you running?

I just cleared the appdata and performed a few other of the tweaks that I found in this guide: http://forums.joinsquad.com/topic/28197-low-frames-with-gtx-1080/?do=findComment&comment=298820 and saw a little improvement (~40 FPS) but was on a map without a lot of fog.... can't remember the name of the map, lol.

I had to jump off the server though because I'm "working" today but will test it out later, maybe it was just that map.

To answer your question, Ted I was running on Epic settings @ 1080p. Disabled Ambient Occlusion, vSync and Blur. I've played with the settings here too... tried lower res + High vs. Epic settings. Didn't seem to matter much as far as FPS
Need a new CPU. I upgraded from a 2500k to 7700k and noticed huge improvements in games. Also using a 1060.
Need a new CPU. I upgraded from a 2500k to 7700k and noticed huge improvements in games. Also using a 1060.

I def need to build a new PC. It's just so damn expensive, lol. Good thing is I already have the video card and SSD so that will save some coin
50-80 FPS on Epic depending on the map and server health. Specs below :)
I get about the same every thing maxed running i74790k 32gb corsair veng. gigabite 1080 850 evo 1 tb ssd western digital 7200 1 tb z97 msi mobo
@timmytim You have checked for all updates? Windows, GPU, SSD, BIOS etc? If so, Check again. Have you checked to see what temps/clock speeds/ and what % everything is running at while gaming? CPU/GPU/RAM Usage etc.. Is the CPU/GPU overheating? Is the system clean and free of dust? What temps are you getting while gaming and idle? The more info you give, the better we can assist in locating the possible issue(s).

Also, is that a 2700 or 2700k? and what brand is that 1060?
@timmytim You have checked for all updates? Windows, GPU, SSD, BIOS etc? If so, Check again. Have you checked to see what temps/clock speeds/ and what % everything is running at while gaming? CPU/GPU/RAM Usage etc.. Is the CPU/GPU overheating? Is the system clean and free of dust? What temps are you getting while gaming and idle? The more info you give, the better we can assist in locating the possible issue(s).

Also, is that a 2700 or 2700k? and what brand is that 1060?

Yeah, i'm current on all windows updates, drivers, BIOS, etc. SSD Firmware is current too.... I'm anal about that kind of stuff as I work in IT. I have not checked temps... I should def do that because my PC originally had a Core i5 and I put the Core i7 2600 (not k) in there and used the same heat sink/fan. I did scrape off the old thermal paste and applied new Arctic Silver. What app should I use to check all my temps and clock speeds? Any recommendations?

System is dust-free and clean as good as I can get it. I live in Phoenix so it gets quite dusty here. It is only Squad that runs at low FPS.... PUBG, Fortnite, etc I can get updwards of 100 FPS

My video card is a Gigabyte 1060 OC 6GB. It's more than capable I think.
I believe the devs made a post after 10.1 released about how v 10 is not optimized and they are working on it now

Edit: Here is the part of the dev post that I am referring to.

"A focus of our work in these past 3 weeks has been performance of the game. Particular problem areas identified were server performance and client performance on specific maps.
Map opimization is a lot of manual work and no major changes have been done in this short time frame. Our mapping department is currently working on addressing the most problematic maps, one after another.
For server performance we did changes to make player state related replication operations quicker. However the public test on Monday indicated that the server performance is still not on the same level as the later A9 versions. This is a problem because longer frame times on the server can lead to perceived issues with hit detection on the clients and poor kill feedback.
The best approach to improving performance is not trying to make existing systems quicker, but to rewrite the systems to be smarter and only do necessary and relevant operations, especially in regards to replication. We started this process last year on our road to 100 players.
Even though we didn't achive our performance goals for A10 it would be wrong to spend more time trying to optimize systems that are being rewritten at the same time. As we continue our development work towards 100p the optimizations that come with it will find their way into the next releases."

Yeah, i'm current on all windows updates, drivers, BIOS, etc. SSD Firmware is current too.... I'm anal about that kind of stuff as I work in IT. I have not checked temps... I should def do that because my PC originally had a Core i5 and I put the Core i7 2600 (not k) in there and used the same heat sink/fan. I did scrape off the old thermal paste and applied new Arctic Silver. What app should I use to check all my temps and clock speeds? Any recommendations?

System is dust-free and clean as good as I can get it. I live in Phoenix so it gets quite dusty here. It is only Squad that runs at low FPS.... PUBG, Fortnite, etc I can get updwards of 100 FPS

My video card is a Gigabyte 1060 OC 6GB. It's more than capable I think.


IMHO your hardware isn't the best, but I would guess it's due to the recent update. Everything I'm asking, is just basic process of elimination to make sure it's not something else. Gigabyte should have software to monitor the temps/fans of the GPU, Extreme engine??? something like that.
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And Im over here all Burt hurt I'm thermal throttling while playing at 80fps lol
Did you update your BIOS post Meltdown/Spectre? That was supposed to affect older CPUs more. Sometimes Nvidia cards will turn on Dynamic Super Resolution after an update and I have to turn it off but if your performance is good in other games that kind of rules that out. Also, make sure the in-game graphics settings look good, double check all your settings and make sure it didn't default to some weird configuration after the update.