
Registered User
Jun 27, 2012
Hey gents, been a while. Thought I might give a little update on life.

Got out of the Marines back in August, moved out to Colorado a week after that. Started flight school a week after that. Shit was fast paced, probably wasn't the best thing for me to do.

Long story short, last week I had to withdraw from school do to some worsening issues that I developed in the Marines that followed me out. Some specific form of Insomnia with low serotonin production is what the VA thinks. They think I have PTSD but I won't let them pin me with it, will ruin a lot of things for me in the future. I have to take a border line anesthetic in order to sleep. Which for you pilots out there, obviously is against FAA regulations.

Now I'm looking at some sort of trade school in the mean time, welding or machining I'm thinking. Will always be jobs out there for that.

On the gaming side mainly been playing Squad. A good friend of mine approached me shortly after I left TBG about starting a community "Drunk Nights Good Fights" with him and some of the founding members of Squad Ops who left due to Ops being trash. I didn't want to do it, seeing as I left TBG because I wouldn't have to time to contribute to the community that much, but I've known him since I starting gaming on BF2 when I was 9 years old so he talked me into it after a few weeks. I was also in a bit of debt to him since he is a commercial airline pilot and hooked me up with a bunch of tutoring and books while I was in flight school.

Other than that, civilian life sucks, half contemplated going back into the Marines but with my disability rating they won't even think about it.

That's about that, figured I'd drop by and give a shout!
Hi! Don't know if we ever gamed together or not. I do know that some shit followed me out too. Took me almost 20 yrs to sleep normal and then I got old and sleep hurts... Lol. Keep soldiering on, don't give up on flight school if that's what you want to do. We all have some form of issue from battle. Message me if you ever need to vent I'll send you my number. My cousin does a thing called fallen outdoors if you check on FB.
I've got your back brother.
Hi, it's nice to see you online, it's been a while.

Sorry to hear about your health complications and the hiccups being caused to your career objectives. Hope that everything works out for the best, I know that's something that you've had your heart and mind set on for some time now. Stay safe and be well, hope you're feeling back to your old self real soon.
Keep looking up bro, plenty of military vets here that can give advice if needed :).
Appreciate the kind words gents. A lot of new faces around but good to see some of the old ones too. I'll try and update this post from time to time with how stuff it going.
Appreciate the kind words gents. A lot of new faces around but good to see some of the old ones too. I'll try and update this post from time to time with how stuff it going.

Roger that brother. Keep on truckin!