Post your gats


Registered User
Jul 4, 2018
To those that have the gats, let's see em.
Include a description (caliber and ammo used)

S&W M&P 9 2.0 4.25"

My EDC. I've been debating getting a Glock 19 or an AR.

My carry weapon out of the collection.
S&W shield .40 (if the pics don't make it obvious..)
2019-03-09 14.06.33.jpg
not really in to showing the toy box unless i know you in person....but if you want some hair on your nads play with a 50 cal desert eagle...dont break your wrist
S&W MP Shield Performance Center model just like above except the 9mm version. Using Speer Gold Dots.
Here's a pic of my Springfield Armory M1A NM (M14), Benelli M4 (M1014) and my Colt M4 Magpul.

Nice. I have 5 WW2 long rifles, 3 Japanese (Arisaka) and 2 German (Gewehr/Mauser). I always laughed when the movers would try to document the Japanese rifles on their inventory sheets. The chrysanthemum/Imperial seals have be grounded off too so they look shady as hell.
Nice. I have 5 WW2 long rifles, 3 Japanese (Arisaka) and 2 German (Gewehr/Mauser). I always laughed when the movers would try to document the Japanese rifles on their inventory sheets. The chrysanthemum/Imperial seals have be grounded off too so they look shady as hell.
Nice. I have 5 WW2 long rifles, 3 Japanese (Arisaka) and 2 German (Gewehr/Mauser). I always laughed when the movers would try to document the Japanese rifles on their inventory sheets. The chrysanthemum/Imperial seals have be grounded off too so they look shady as hell.
I have 2 Ariska type 99's one was sporterized no mum, the one below my MG34 is 98% complete and the mum is intact! I have a k89k bnz41, two mosins 1 M44 tula arsenal (rare) and an 1891/30, Short magazine Lee Enfield, and of course the MG34. It's original except for the receiver of course as i don't have the 3 brazillion permits, licenses, etc....etc... but it friggin cool AF!
I will go to jail for life if I post any of my stuff NY and the SAFE ACT enough said. Nice shit boys...