How to deal with UCAV players


Registered User
Jan 8, 2019
Tickle them with a melee kill. Seriously, they hate that! Even more so if you tea bag them afterward because its an actual tea bag. The potato chip dip dance after a UCAV kill with no dead body around is not tea bagging, its just pressing crouch several times in a row. It's more effective when they know you're coming after them to knife them as they get paranoid and will miss their target out fear of being knifed and tea bagged.

So you gotta be sneaky and navigate your way through the rear of a RUSH map, its easier when you're defending as the attacking UCAV players will have to move up to get in range of the defending players. The UCAV's trail is a very good indication of their location. Do this as a RECON with a spawn beacon so you can have friends help or if you get discovered and need to try again.

Don't get too upset if you get killed by a UCAV. Its mostly used as a cheap kill and rarely helps in winning the game. A good UCAV player uses the UCAV to take out camping snipers from above.

Don't get me wrong, I like to UCAV too but only if it helps win the game however hunting UCAV players for their tags is way way more satisfying :)
Had a good chuckle at this one.

And rarely helps in winning? I beg to differ. In Rush the UCAVS consistently keep the MCOM clear for the rest of our teammates trying to get the objective. It's not our fault if nobody else bothers to push up.
Oh Tangledbabe you think just cause you knifed a UCAVer that makes them mad. Honestly it doesn’t and we’re just here to have as much fun as you are. Thanks for the lulz

You're welcome!!

Like I said, I use UCAV but just trying to help other players who don't like it :)

BTW, guess where you're at in this screenshot?

Oh Tangledbabe you think just cause you knifed a UCAVer that makes them mad. Honestly it doesn’t and we’re just here to have as much fun as you are. Thanks for the lulz

you guys cry when i knife you.....noBRAINStoPUTaNAMEhere would not admit i knifed him until the 3rd time i did it.....hehe
Oh there’s Smokerob, can’t forget him in this too. Here I thought you were in acceptance of the UCAV but yet you seem to regress in that acceptance. Any who can we get you to admit how the fallout of you and Micas went down?
Oh there’s Smokerob, can’t forget him in this too. Here I thought you were in acceptance of the UCAV but yet you seem to regress in that acceptance. Any who can we get you to admit how the fallout of you and Micas went down?

i dont know micas.....other then playing with him on RUSH i have never seen him on other servers....

@DiTcH....bitch slapped???....HAHAHAHAHAHAh......still mad i have your tags???

@smartnamehere .....never raged quit....and i find it funny you claim this when most nights you leave before i do.....
I remember smokerob said he was rocket scientist, it's just as true as all those dog tags he said he has taken from us.What a douche hahaha
Settle down before you start breakdance fighting!

BTW, I'm coming for all your tags. My C100 is thirsty :) I actually do like tags most of all. In BF3 there was a 24/7 Metro server, can't remember who hosted, but it was easy to place a spawn beacon on the rear of either side of the attacker/defender and I would sneak up, take tags till I was caught and shot, respawn at the beacon, and take moar tags! Good times.
Good ucavers have a high "flags defends" count & have a positive win loss ratio (1.0 or better) They also have a high kdr. A ucaver that has a w/l ratio in the 70's & a low flag defends count & a kdr less than 2.0 is just a very avg. player, nothing to complain about.