An absolute travesty that the Rush server is going away, had the DLC Maps been on there and stayed on there, That server would still be thriving like it was for almost a year.
That said. My suggestions here for you Matt. Yes, you've tried Guilin Peaks in several different variations, but you've also used always a small sample of maps. Plenty of us have asked for Conquest Inf only server like this;
A Ticket Rate of 1000-1200 ( its probably better at a 1000 because you keep the maps rotating) with Map Vote . Third and first view transportation vehicles . Yes, this includes Transport Heli's for maps that have them already.
Base Maps;
Flood Zone , Zavod 311(No night time its a server killer), Dawnbreaker , Operation Locker, Hainan Resort ,
Siege of Shanghai
China Rising;
Guilin Peaks
Second Assault;
Operation Metro
Caspian Border
Naval Strike;
Lost Islands
Dragon's Teeth
ALL OF THEM. These are wildly popular Inf maps;
Lumphini Gardens, Pearl Market, Propaganda ,and Sunken Dragon
Final Stand;
None. Unfortunately they're just too big. The only one that is doable is Hanger 21, but it always ends up a fight inside of A and B (same goes for HammerHead) ,but for the record a few older inf only servers did have three of the final stands maps on them . Giants is no, it's just way too big.
For you long time Battlefield 4 players. Yes, there used to be a few servers like this. The main one died about a year or so back because of lack of admining and they started limiting classes (sniper) , certain guns ,and gadgets. This would be my suggestion for either this server, or the failing Pearl Market server. You put this server up,and it will fill.