BF4 metro server


New Member
TBG Member
Jan 8, 2014
Hey guys. I have been playing a long time on your metro server. Just wanted to give feedback on the current state. First, server upgrade to 60HZ is awesome. I truly appreciate you guys still supporting the server, and making sure that it runs on best possible hardware. With that being sad, one change to the server that I have witnessed today, which unfortunately is pushing good players to go and search for other options is the move to 64-player while keeping explosives. It has now become nothing but an explosive spam. You have 10-15 guys on RU team just spamming airbursts at stairs getting 30+ kill streaks not giving US a chance to even try and push. Amount of explosives has forced some of the actual skilled players to leave. Not sure if this will even have an impact, but just wanted to let you guys know what many have said.
Same feelings here. Been playing on the 48 player metro for a long time but I'm not sure how 64 players will work out. It's only been a day but it was definitely not as fun as 48 players. The main thing is since metro is such a linear map, the opportunity to flank is already limited. 48 players I feel is a good sweet spot to still allow occasionally good flanks. 64 though really closes those opportunities up due to the explosive spam. I think 48 players with a constant queue of players waiting to get in is more enjoyable.
I also noticed that people now switch to RU and the beginning of the round because US has almost no chance to win. This causes US to start 10+ players behind every round.
Great server! It's the only 24/7 Metro server I can play on since I was banned from the brazillian one. There are some in Germany too, but my ping is too high there and they used to allow but lately they implemented a ping limiter and I can't stay longer than 30s before getting kicked.
Hey guys thanks for being supportive. We did bump up to 60hz servers. when we changed boxes it got set to 64 players for one day but was changed back to 48 players the next day, and will remain at 48 players. We know just how shitty metro can get on 64 players.
Any chance to install the !assist plugin in the metro server? The balance is clearly an issue and this plugin would give the best players an opportunity to balance the game if they choose to do so.
The end of round balance plugin is working correctly now. I verified it yestersay
Any chance to install the !assist plugin in the metro server? The balance is clearly an issue and this plugin would give the best players an opportunity to balance the game if they choose to do so.

I can ramp up the unstacking for that server even more if necessary excluding anyone wearing the same tags or on their friends list.
I can ramp up the unstacking for that server even more if necessary excluding anyone wearing the same tags or on their friends list.
I'm not sure that simply changing the settings of the balance plugin would solve the issue here. It's definetely worth a try though.
Anyway, my suggestion was more regarding a way for the players to be able to actively do something about the lack of proper balance, which is something the !assist plugin allows, rather than just waiting for the round to end and hoping that the plugin will do a good job and next round won't end up in base raping just like the current one.
!assist only moves yourself when that plugin is ran. Also we want to minimize churn during a round, which is why we have the team shuffle set for post match. If we shuffled teams completely mid-March, there would be alot of upset players
Thanks for all you do guys and server is great. In regards to team balance, you can't really do much. Team balance has been broken in BF games since I started playing back in BF2 and from what I heard it was also an issue in 1942. Unfortunately with metro, balance issues amplify because metro is a linear map and it requires full teamplay in order to win as US or even RU. If even a 1/3 of the team is not doing what they have to, the team will lose 9 times out of 10. Especially with smoke and explosives allowed. I have been on different sides of the equation and if you are on US, you need a good 2-3 squads trying to get to A in order to flank RU, and if you are on RU, you need to have at least 1 squad at each choke point, especially back escalators defending from smoke and runners. If you do not have enough players doing their job, you will lose and a big part of player base playing right now is not squad oriented. They either spam explosives or do their thing without paying attention. Sometimes they all end up on one side and that team gets 3-capped. I've been there a lot. Also, team-switching is also an issue. A lot of good players switch as soon as they see their team collapsing from RU to US and because of ticket advantage on RU in the beginning, or US losing players due to losing, they are allowed to do it. Its just a part of the game at this point and not much anyone can do about it. I wouldn't even bother trying to fix this on a 8 year old game to be honest.
Keep up the good work guys. I was on the Metro server the other day and played for a bit . 48 player seems like the right amount but i do miss the hectic action of a 64 player count on metro servers but grenade spamming is an issue. Always has been in BF3 and 4. Nonetheless keep up the great work. MAKE BF GREAT AGAIN!! DONT PRE ORDER!!!! HOOYAH!!
I've seen that my suggestion of installing the !assist plugin on this server was taken. Thanks for actually caring about the balance. I noticed someone also asked for a nuke option. In my opinion, nuke is not a good solution. The assist plugin will do wonders already, letting the good players that actually want a balanced game to try to balance it. From my experience, which is extensive, nuke pisses players off and rarely works well while assist allows the best players to decide if they want to balance the game, and as most usually do, it is what really fixes the balance problem most effectively. Thanks again for the good admin work!