Let's talk about the state of BF2042


Jan 29, 2018
Before we dive deep into this discussion, I want to say, I somewhat enjoy 2042.

Now, let's start off with what's "wrong" with the game.

- Huge maps (too big for normal BF gameplay, even for 128 players, seems like a Battle Royal was planned and mid development they changed.)
- Armor plates (I use them but they aren't THAT useful)
- Cannot switch/create squads
- No visibility for medics, because initially it should be only your BR squad that can revive you
- No server browser, because you don't need one in BR
- Lack of game modes
- No hardcore
- No proper factions
- No scoreboard
- Weapon Bloom
- Hit Reg
- Specialists, No Classes (No I do not like the Specialists in the basic game modes, Hazard Zone is fine. )
- Call-In system shouldn't be in the game, stack literally tanks, hover crafts and whatever else on one point or even on a roof.
- Hit boxes being too big on terrain and even players

AngryJoe pretty much nailed how I feel. He did leave out some point where he just shows clips from Reddit instead. if you have 20 minutes, watch this please.

This is something a Battlefield community member mocked up and it's better than whatever the fuck "scoreboard" we have....


Honestly, the list goes on, I'm not going to sit here and completely shit on 2042, it's enjoyable at times but it needs so much work, if you haven't experienced any of these bugs or enjoy these features, then I'm happy for you and don't want to ruin your experience based on mine. I want to LOVE this title because I've been waiting since 2014 to play a new enjoyable Battlefield experience, WW1 and WW2 don't appeal to me, WW2 games were played out in my youth with Medal of Honor and the original Call of Duty games. My main concern and worry is that we will have to wait months or even a year before this game is completely "fixed" and it breaks my heart because I love Battlefield. I just don't know how to explain my frustration with the title as of right now. I hope and pray there is a Day 1 Patch for the "Official" release of this game and we are all just "Early Access" testing for DICE. I can't bring myself to play the game how it is right now.

Let me know what you think.
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Honestly I only like hazard zone, but the fact they don't have in game voip is just stupid. It's a fun mode but can't communicate with squad mates
I have enjoyed it so far and not experienced too many issues. It could be better for sure and I am hoping the big launch they will have a day one patch and fix some things.
I've enjoyed it but there are several things I've noticed in my 8 or so hours of play.

Scoreboard sucks
Sometime I shoot right at someone and can't hit them, i think because of a certain type of sloped terrain they are on
Spotting seems to suck pretty hard and not work consistently
The default conquest maps are too big
I don't mind specialists but I don't like the lack of traditional classes
Can't switch squads
No dedicated servers
IT COULD BE GOOD......could be.....as it stands right now shit has to get fixed....

fix squads...make them up to 10 people....let people join on others already in server (the only way we have gotten 4 people in match was all getting back to load screen and logging new server)...anyone trying to join sits at a screen with "squad lead choose map" or something like that and never load....make it at least 5 per squad, fix loading on squads already playing and fix the join button in origins that can make some people's computer hard lock

give us real server select options, as i always end up in servers with 175+ pings when there are options running under 75 ping, state side i could be playing on

work on hit reg in all servers but more so in the cross play servers....console players seem to move way faster then PC players in turn speed

add a shooting range so you can play with guns without being in round and get your settings right.....BF4 range comes to mind

give us back the icon list of tanks, choppers and planes without a sub menu around main spawn point like old games

i know tons of people use other options but i would love to voice chat in game with all people in squad regardless of console or PC......if cross play is going to work we need this and to be blunt it would keep servers full

rework all maps for portal game modes....all BC2 maps.....all 1942 maps....and so on.....then add other games from the series starting next year

servers spaces need to triple.....this has to be expanded if we dont have any space now and its not even the full launch date.....start letting us rent server space so custom game modes can be live 24/7 without taking the free slots

scoreboard with death count

the question is will EA or dice listen to anyone???
I've enjoyed it so far, even with some of the issues it is having. Things like bloom, scoreboard, and voip are all things EA stated are being worked on.

To me, today's gamers are so quick to expect a game to be 100% polished when it comes out but also love to reference BF4 which was almost unplayable for the first year.

As long as EA actively addresses issues like they did with 4 & 5 then this will wind up being an amazing game.
I agree that 2042 needs polishing, and I think it has potential to be an epic level Battlefield game. I'm already having a ton of fun with it, despite the issues.

Most of what was mentioned above are also issues that I am seeing or encountering. That sloped terrain hit box thing is annoying for those of us that enjoy sniping from time to time.

But, my most wished for improvement is with squads. If they want to keep it to four person squads, then fine. Just allow multiple squads to create a temporary "Party Platoon" where all the grouped squads can get loaded into one server together. Seeing multiple four person 2042 voice channels in Discord shows how they are splitting up the community.

As far as what do I like the most about 2042 right now, I would say that it still feels like Battlefield to me, and after the beta I was not sure that it would. I'm hyped for the room for growth with additional maps, weapons, eras, etc. Especially with the Portal tools they have given us.

As many are saying...even the great BF4 needed a year.
You don't need a shooting range, you can play solo against the bots by changing the settings before you join.
after finding it, i have unlocked a ton of shit with the bot rounds.....problem is they still dont move like normal players....with that said every 2 rounds with bots is a level up and something unlocks

on the flip side of things they are fixing shit daily....tanks no longer have the lag in the screen movement, squad leads can mark targets just by hitting Q like older versions and hit reg seems better

lot to go but at least they are fixing shit
Yeah I've been getting a level per round against bots and unlocking about 2-5 items per round. Last night I got two levels in one round.
Found this. It opened my eyes a bit..


However I have to disagree with a few of these items but not much.
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Do not buy Battlefield 2042

DICE\EA know how to make a “Battlefield” game.
DICE\EA made trailers that promoted this game.
> DICE\EA inserted all the “only in Battlefield” moments in to the Trailer
DICE\EA knew that this game is missing all of the below features.
DICE\EA still released this.

A lot of the missing features come from a reddit post, I added a list of my "Broken" experiences. I only wanted to use this list to prove my opening statement.
Battlefield 2042 subreddit and Jellyswim_ [old.reddit.com]
Battlefield 2042 subreddit and Jellyswim_

No offense was intended, I just wanted to leave my review this morning on the cut content and what a poor "Battlefield" this was.

Missing Core Features
> No standard server browser
> Fewer standardized game modes
> Fewer base game maps than any other title (even including portal the map count is only 13)
> No persistent lobbies You have to matchmake after EVERY round
> Fewer in-game assignments None outside of cosmetic unlocks
> Less character customization options (than BF5)
> No profile progress/stats page in the menu
> No battle log/stats tracker for other players
> No global leaderboards
> No end of round assignment progress screen
> No custom emblems
> Fewer achievements
> No medals
> No swelling crescendo of dramatic music near the end of a match. Static Noise does not count
> Less destruction
> Only a small handful of destructible buildings on each map
> No map altering levolution
> No spectator mode
> No permanent community servers (would be useful for clans and events)

Missing from Infantry Gameplay
> Fewer guns Even including all the portal guns, BF4 still had more at launch
> Fewer infantry gadgets
> No manual leaning
> No diving while swimming
> No high wall vaulting
> No crouch sprinting
> No backwards prone
> No explosion knockback
> No rolling after falling from heights
> No ammo or health pickup off teammates
> No scope zeroing
> No thermal optics
> No indirect fire gadgets
> Less anti-tank launchers
> No lock-on launchers The M5 works with the SOFLAM but that requires 2 people
> No AP mines/claymores
> No static weapon emplacements
> No fortification building
> No resupply stations
> No suppression mechanic This one I don't mind but it was a staple and now it is gone

Missing from Vehicles
> Fewer vehicle types Separate vehicle progression per faction even though they are functionally identical.
> No naval vehicles Except I guess the hovercraft technically
> No vehicle gunner direction indicator
> No lock on direction indicator
> No vehicle enter/exit animations
> No tank turret decoupling This was in BF4
> Less vehicle driver/pilot customization options
> No tank zoom customization options
> No tank gunner customization options
> No helicopter gunner secondary weapons
> No separate helicopter/fixed-wing controls
> No control input while looking behind/free looking in aircraft

Missing from Scoring System
> No squad wipe scoring
> No player damage points
> No vehicle damage points
> No vehicle kill assist points
> No headshot bonus
> No long-range kill bonus
> No assist counts as kill bonus
> No squad objective play bonus
> Oversimplified teamplay scoring (i.e. healing a teammate always gives you +5xp rather than the amount of health you give)
> Squad and Teamwork
> No commander
> No special squad call-in abilities
> No squad field upgrades
> No in-game VOIP
> Fewer factions (with almost nothing to give the 2 factions any distinction)
> No cross-team chat
> No "create new squad" option
> No clans
> No view of squadmates while in the spawn screen
> No "Medic incoming" indicator in downed state
> No rank names/icons, just a number.

Missing from UI and Quality of Life
> Less control customization options
> Less UI customization options
> No HUD/icon opacity customization
> No HUD scaling customization options
> No gunsight reticle customization options
> No network performance graph
> No individual player scoreboard
> Less detail in the 'who killed you' screen
> No ultrawide monitor support. Cannot move UI elements to suit screen size
> Very poor friend joining system

> 45 tick rate servers
> Rubberbanding
> Deploy bugs, revive bugs. Downed state bug that prevents you from being revived if you clip through anything. There times where you have no countdown and cannot respawn
> Janky animations
> Performance is horrible on PC. Unplayable framerates from what looks like CPU bottlenecking
> Unlock three different silencers for the same weapon that have no effect on the stats of the weapon
> Exact same attachment on two different guns having an opposite effect
> Hovercrafts are able to scale vertical surfaces, as well as fly in the right circumstances.
> In rare cases, a player will become unable to damage enemies. This player will also lose their nameplate, causing them to appear as hostile to allies. This is fixed by dying and respawning.
> Broken Bullet Registration
> Broken Bullet Spread
> Broken Weapon Balance
> Broken Vehicle Balance

Do not buy this game

A lot of the missing features come from a reddit post, I added a list of my "Broken" experiences. I only wanted to use this list to prove my opening statement.
Battlefield 2042 subreddit and Jellyswim_ [old.reddit.com]

No offense was intended, I just wanted to leave my review this morning on the cut content and what a poor "Battlefield" this was.
I've added my thoughts/opinions. I think this review adds too many things that are not actually broken, and a lot of petty things.
I think they just came up with every possible negative they could. By doing so they actually dilute and detract from the core issues that really show the game wasn't ready for launch.

Green is stuff I agree with, ignored neutral or unimportant things, red comment for otherwise.
Missing Core Features
> No standard server browser - This was already True in BF1/BFV
> Fewer standardized game modes
> Fewer base game maps than any other title (even including portal the map count is only 13)

> No persistent lobbies You have to matchmake after EVERY round
> Fewer in-game assignments None outside of cosmetic unlocks
> Less character customization options (than BF5)
> No profile progress/stats page in the menu
> No battle log/stats tracker for other players - This was already True in BF1/BFV
> No global leaderboards - This was already True in BF1/BFV
> No end of round assignment progress screen
> No custom emblems - can live without
> Fewer achievements
> No medals
> No swelling crescendo of dramatic music near the end of a match. Static Noise does not count - can live without
> Less destruction - can live without
> Only a small handful of destructible buildings on each map - can live without
> No map altering levolution - can live without
> No spectator mode
> No permanent community servers (would be useful for clans and events) - This was already True in BF1/BFV

Missing from Infantry Gameplay
> Fewer guns Even including all the portal guns, BF4 still had more at launch
> Fewer infantry gadgets - Issue here is more about removing a slot for stuff than # of gadgets.
> No manual leaning - eh...
> No diving while swimming
> No high wall vaulting
> No crouch sprinting
> No backwards prone - this is a good change
> No explosion knockback - don't care.
> No rolling after falling from heights
> No ammo or health pickup off teammates
> No scope zeroing
> No thermal optics
> No indirect fire gadgets
> Less anti-tank launchers
> No lock-on launchers The M5 works with the SOFLAM but that requires 2 people
> No AP mines/claymores - AP mines suck, but they should be in a modern game.
> No static weapon emplacements - can live without
> No fortification building - this is a stupid mechanic that a modern BF doesn't need
> No resupply stations - ah yes, large ammo dumps around a battlefield make perfect sense...not. proper squad building/tools fixes this.
> No suppression mechanic This one I don't mind but it was a staple and now it is gone

Missing from Vehicles
> Fewer vehicle types Separate vehicle progression per faction even though they are functionally identical.
> No naval vehicles Except I guess the hovercraft technically- No Navel maps so this is petty.
> No vehicle gunner direction indicator
> No lock on direction indicator

> No vehicle enter/exit animations - Literally everyone bitched about this in the beta, so they made it better. Technically the animations are still there, they just hid them and gave you faster time getting into the vehicles.
> No tank turret decoupling This was in BF4
> Less vehicle driver/pilot customization options
> No tank zoom customization options
> No tank gunner customization options
> No helicopter gunner secondary weapons
> No separate helicopter/fixed-wing controls
> No control input while looking behind/free looking in aircraft
Missing from Scoring System
> No squad wipe scoring
> No player damage points
> No vehicle damage points
> No vehicle kill assist points

> No headshot bonus
> No long-range kill bonus
> No assist counts as kill bonus - negated by the way kill points are distributed now
> No squad objective play bonus
> Oversimplified teamplay scoring (i.e. healing a teammate always gives you +5xp rather than the amount of health you give) - petty complaint
> Squad and Teamwork - worthless? Not an actual issue just a generic complaint.
> No commander thank god. Also, this was true in BF1/BFV
> No special squad call-in abilities - this is a positive.
> No squad field upgrades - Was this true in BFV/BF1?
> No in-game VOIP - even though I never use it I 100% agree.
> Fewer factions (with almost nothing to give the 2 factions any distinction)
> No cross-team chat - petty.
> No "create new squad" option

> No clans
> No view of squadmates while in the spawn screen
> No "Medic incoming" indicator in downed state

> No rank names/icons, just a number.

Missing from UI and Quality of Life
> Less control customization options -
> Less UI customization options
> No HUD/icon opacity customization
> No HUD scaling customization options

> No gunsight reticle customization options
> No network performance graph
> No individual player scoreboard
> Less detail in the 'who killed you' screen
> No ultrawide monitor support. Cannot move UI elements to suit screen size

> Very poor friend joining system

> 45 tick rate servers - This is static, not something broken.
> Rubberbanding

> Deploy bugs, revive bugs. Downed state bug that prevents you from being revived if you clip through anything. There times where you have no countdown and cannot respawn
> Janky animations
> Performance is horrible on PC. Unplayable framerates from what looks like CPU bottlenecking
> Unlock three different silencers for the same weapon that have no effect on the stats of the weapon
> Exact same attachment on two different guns having an opposite effect
> Hovercrafts are able to scale vertical surfaces, as well as fly in the right circumstances.
> In rare cases, a player will become unable to damage enemies. This player will also lose their nameplate, causing them to appear as hostile to allies. This is fixed by dying and respawning.
> Broken Bullet Registration
> Broken Bullet Spread
> Broken Weapon Balance

> Broken Vehicle Balance

Do not buy this game

A lot of the missing features come from a reddit post, I added a list of my "Broken" experiences. I only wanted to use this list to prove my opening statement.
Battlefield 2042 subreddit and Jellyswim_ [old.reddit.com]

No offense was intended, I just wanted to leave my review this morning on the cut content and what a poor "Battlefield" this was.
if i gave a shit about BF1 and 5 i would have bought them.....BF1 and 5 prove they were already moving in the wrong direction for the series as core fans staid with BF4......

the way they lied in the ads proves they were trying to get back core players that never touched 1 and 5......