Before we dive deep into this discussion, I want to say, I somewhat enjoy 2042.
Now, let's start off with what's "wrong" with the game.
- Huge maps (too big for normal BF gameplay, even for 128 players, seems like a Battle Royal was planned and mid development they changed.)
- Armor plates (I use them but they aren't THAT useful)
- Cannot switch/create squads
- No visibility for medics, because initially it should be only your BR squad that can revive you
- No server browser, because you don't need one in BR
- Lack of game modes
- No hardcore
- No proper factions
- No scoreboard
- Weapon Bloom
- Hit Reg
- Specialists, No Classes (No I do not like the Specialists in the basic game modes, Hazard Zone is fine. )
- Call-In system shouldn't be in the game, stack literally tanks, hover crafts and whatever else on one point or even on a roof.
- Hit boxes being too big on terrain and even players
AngryJoe pretty much nailed how I feel. He did leave out some point where he just shows clips from Reddit instead. if you have 20 minutes, watch this please.
This is something a Battlefield community member mocked up and it's better than whatever the fuck "scoreboard" we have....

Honestly, the list goes on, I'm not going to sit here and completely shit on 2042, it's enjoyable at times but it needs so much work, if you haven't experienced any of these bugs or enjoy these features, then I'm happy for you and don't want to ruin your experience based on mine. I want to LOVE this title because I've been waiting since 2014 to play a new enjoyable Battlefield experience, WW1 and WW2 don't appeal to me, WW2 games were played out in my youth with Medal of Honor and the original Call of Duty games. My main concern and worry is that we will have to wait months or even a year before this game is completely "fixed" and it breaks my heart because I love Battlefield. I just don't know how to explain my frustration with the title as of right now. I hope and pray there is a Day 1 Patch for the "Official" release of this game and we are all just "Early Access" testing for DICE. I can't bring myself to play the game how it is right now.
Let me know what you think.
Now, let's start off with what's "wrong" with the game.
- Huge maps (too big for normal BF gameplay, even for 128 players, seems like a Battle Royal was planned and mid development they changed.)
- Armor plates (I use them but they aren't THAT useful)
- Cannot switch/create squads
- No visibility for medics, because initially it should be only your BR squad that can revive you
- No server browser, because you don't need one in BR
- Lack of game modes
- No hardcore
- No proper factions
- No scoreboard
- Weapon Bloom
- Hit Reg
- Specialists, No Classes (No I do not like the Specialists in the basic game modes, Hazard Zone is fine. )
- Call-In system shouldn't be in the game, stack literally tanks, hover crafts and whatever else on one point or even on a roof.
- Hit boxes being too big on terrain and even players
AngryJoe pretty much nailed how I feel. He did leave out some point where he just shows clips from Reddit instead. if you have 20 minutes, watch this please.
This is something a Battlefield community member mocked up and it's better than whatever the fuck "scoreboard" we have....

Honestly, the list goes on, I'm not going to sit here and completely shit on 2042, it's enjoyable at times but it needs so much work, if you haven't experienced any of these bugs or enjoy these features, then I'm happy for you and don't want to ruin your experience based on mine. I want to LOVE this title because I've been waiting since 2014 to play a new enjoyable Battlefield experience, WW1 and WW2 don't appeal to me, WW2 games were played out in my youth with Medal of Honor and the original Call of Duty games. My main concern and worry is that we will have to wait months or even a year before this game is completely "fixed" and it breaks my heart because I love Battlefield. I just don't know how to explain my frustration with the title as of right now. I hope and pray there is a Day 1 Patch for the "Official" release of this game and we are all just "Early Access" testing for DICE. I can't bring myself to play the game how it is right now.
Let me know what you think.
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