Reporting Battlefield 4 Player HoLIDAYSEND


Registered User
Dec 31, 2019
Players In Game Name HolLIDAYSEND

Which Game? Battlefield 4

Which Server? BF4 [TBG] 60HZ | NAVAL STRIKE + WATER MAPS |

What is your in game name? SMOKE959

Date and time approximately 12/02/2021 19:54

Offense committed Sniping from Echo on Wave Breaker to our Carrier twice, NO provocation!

Additional comments (DID NOT ANSWER QUESTION)
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Do you have any video?
No, I was not expecting that to happen. No sooner than I spawned in he shot. I warned him about the penalty for such an act. Feeling that maybe I got through to him I spawned once again on the carrier’s deck and once again he fired.
Why would you think that I would have recorded him when I was trying to play the game. I don’t file multiple reports and I am on this server almost every night, so I would think you would consider that.
Why would you think that I would have recorded him when I was trying to play the game. I don’t file multiple reports and I am on this server almost every night, so I would think you would consider that.

Because we expect this of everyone. Even our Members and Leaders. We simply do not ban without some sort of evidence in our reports. If we banned without evidence we (TBG) would have been dead years ago.
Because we expect this of everyone. Even our Members and Leaders. We simply do not ban without some sort of evidence in our reports. If we banned without evidence we (TBG) would have been dead years ago.
Thanks for responding. This Server stays busy almost every night from about 6pm est until. There has been very few times that an Admin is in there. Since the night you and Alter were in game I have not seen anyone. I have found that if TRU is online that I can sometimes get help if it gets real bad. I am aware that TBG has many Servers and with 2042 out, there will be less and less attention to the Naval Strike server. I for one will NOT become the Whiner as some we both know, just wanted to be heard.

Thanks, SMOKE959