[BF4] Metro Ping Limit


Registered User
Aug 25, 2022
Hi TBG crew.

TLDR: Are we able to have the Ping limit set slightly higher again on the Metro BF4 server?

Australian here. Have been playing on your awesome BF4 servers for many months now since getting this awesome game.
On all of your servers I run about a 205-210 ping because of my location.
Your servers are about the only ones that are active with actual people in them during the hours I am able to play, that are also accepting of my long distance connection.
I frequent both the rush server (I am now top 20), and the metro server as those are both excellent, with a cool community.

However, something has changed since July in regards to the Ping limit on the Metro BF4 server, and I am now getting kicked from this.
It was fine for months, but suddenly is now kicking me (I am guessing - it just says by admin).
None of the other TBG servers do it, only this one.
I talked to some people on your Discord, they were not aware of any change.
I left it for a couple of months to see if it would come back and fix, but it appears to not have done so.
I dont believe I am banned or anything, as I presume I would get a different message.
Im no hacker, I dont cheat or glitch (looking at you 3rd floor abusers...).

This is the ONLY 24/7 metro Bf4 server that I could play in. Would be awesome to be able to come back.
220 ping limit would ensure a 10ms buffer in the event Windows decides to update or something.
If you copy the BF4 Rush server ping settings it would be fine for me as that one is awesome.

Any chance on looking at this or am I truly out of luck?
Yeah Just tested. after a punkbuster update. Had no issues and all was ok.
Thank you.

I think you are correct about the hours - next trick is to work out what those hours are (from when to when) so that I am not in the server when we shouldnt be.

Thank you again!
Yeah Just tested. after a punkbuster update. Had no issues and all was ok.
Thank you.

I think you are correct about the hours - next trick is to work out what those hours are (from when to when) so that I am not in the server when we shouldnt be.

Thank you again!
Im not sure, over night ping limit is higher, over night for me is 9pm pacific to 7-8 am. glad you fixed the issue, see ya on the battlefield.