BF3 Beta - Is this some kind of joke?


Retired Founder
Jan 2, 2008
Source: Get Access to the Battlefield 3 Beta | Medal of Honor - Coming October 12, 2010

Beta offer is contingent on Beta availability within 12 months of Medal of Honor release. Beta will be available for a limited time only and offer expires upon close of Beta events. Participation in Beta requires acceptance of Beta Agreement. Must be 18+. Xbox GOLD membership required for Xbox users. Visit Battlefield 3 Beta - EA Games for details, including availability.


It's a pretty poor marketing stunt if you ask me. Judging by the support of BC2 with 19 server patches when it could have only been 5-6, not impressed.
well i've decided not to get MOH but Call of Duty BO instead so oh well for BF3 beta!
yep bad odor is the only way you play video games....and you must be naked at all times....
2142 patch is being delayed ......again. DICE is too worried about the fucking Battlefield blasphemy that is BC2. They keep patching that piece of shit and fucking it up worse each time.
and you must be naked at all times....

I thought that went without saying. Just in case anybody ever had a doubt, I play naked every time. So, when I kill you on the battlefield, you can think of my hairy back and sweaty balls when I blow your brains out. lol
2142 patch is being delayed ......again. DICE is too worried about the fucking Battlefield blasphemy that is BC2. They keep patching that piece of shit and fucking it up worse each time.

That'll happen when you have a bunch of free interns coding your end product.
DICE as a studio is a complete failure. Their glory days of BF2 and 1942 are far behind them. I doubt we will see anything good from this studio every again. They only hire brand new developers right out of school so that they don't have to pay them as much and with no experience comes the making of the same mistakes over and over again. We REALLY have to find a new game series to follow as this one is continually getting worse and worse in perfect refection of the company that develops them. We're going to be run into the ground along with DICE and the remnants of the pathetic remains we call Battlefield if we continue waiting for them to release a well-tested and thought out offering we can afford to call a game and not a beta with the training wheels still on.
I don't know. For all the gloom and doom talk, the fact is that BC2 right now is quite remarkably stable (compared to 2142). Even though there's passing issues for me (mostly master server-related, and I really DO think that whole "stats/servers tracking" framework needs a major rethinking/rebuilding), the game itself has actually grown on me (with all its hit detection quirks etc.), and I'm enjoying it quite a bit lately.

To be quite honest, there is NO other game on the market today in a solid FPS setting with destructible buildings/walls/trees to the same gameplay-affecting extent that they are in BC2. There just is no other game that does that so well imo - and just that is saying something.

I think DICE have built a solid engine, and when they stop milking the fuck out of it (MOH...err BC2 reskinned anyone?), and they actually start rewriting some code and making improvements, we'll see BF3 surface, and it might be quite good. Hell BC2 is good enough for me, anything more will just make it even more awesome.

There's always balance issues, but hey - if we have to be honest the gunships in 2142 were so fucking overpowered it's not even funny. I mean, the splash damage on the gun, a shield, and a one-shot-death TV? Fucking hell...

I mean it was fun... and it's just as much fun one-shotting people with RPGs and the tank in BC2 as well imo.
yeah its cool to have destructible environment but doesn't make the game much better than others just because of it.

Um 2142 overpowered?? LULZ! go to BF2, mini guns on helo and jets do damage to tanks never mind TV and bombs. TV is 1 shot kill for everything... :)

Helis in BC2 are garbage, very minimal in maps. Low altitude, can easily be taken out, smoke is still not a good
Well... on the flipside, just because they set a low artificial air ceiling, their maps are a bit on the small side, and the helis are not uber, doesn't mean the game sux :-) . Tanking in BC2 is fucking awesome imo - it's so satisfying to shoot a building and see the walls come down, and then the building! And that well-placed far shot that owns someone... just sweet.

Like I said, EVERY BF game (and pretty much almost every game in existence I would say) has had their share of "noob" and "OP" weapons. There's maybe a bit more of the garbage in BC2, but hell - I like it. I didn't originally because I was so put off by certain things, but I got used to them, for better or worse...

BTW whoever complains about choppers should fly with me bitches. Normal conquest servers is where it's at. Minimap, spotting, still kills with one splash gun salvo and 2-3 well-placed pilot-view (hellfire?) rockets. I'll play a bit later tonight.
See, that's the thing. You shouldn't have to 'get used' to a game to like it. Either you like it from the beginning or you don't. At release, and even 2 months after release, BC2 was still a shitty port. Sure, destructible environments are 'pretty' and 'cool', but that's about it.

I'm looking forward to the release of Natural Selection 2. The alpha (wait for it), has dedicated servers, mod tools, an editor, and the source code to the engine!

Pathetic DICE!
Natural Selection 2? Hadn't even heard of it. TBH, doesn't sound too exciting.

If it weren't for BC2, I'd probably be playing a lot of L4D2 versus...
Dude. Heat. BC2 sucks. The only reason we play it is because we were so hyped that another BF game was coming out. We all bought it. And sure, its been fun, but it isn't the game we hoped it was. The game never made me say "OMFG this is amazing" frankly because it isn't. The game is mediocre at best.
Natural Selection 2? Hadn't even heard of it. TBH, doesn't sound too exciting.

If it weren't for BC2, I'd probably be playing a lot of L4D2 versus...

Of course you haven't heard of it; it's a low hype game. It was probably the most well-made mod for the original HL1 engine. Check out the YouTube videos. It's alpha, and there is a known rubber-band issue. It's getting patched regularly, though.
I agree with HeatSurge on this one. The pace of the game, the environment, and squad emphasis I really like. Also, I have had fewer stability issues with BC2 than I did with 2142. Does the game need tweaking here and there, yes, but I have never found one that did not. The biggest issue I have is that I would like something between hardcore and normal in terms of damage with spotting. That said, Heat you need to join us in death match sometime.
If anybody doesn't like BC2, don't play the damn thing. Yes, it's a different game and some aspects appeal to some more than others. That doesn't mean one game is better than the other or one game sucks, etc. that's just a personal preference.

I think the simple fact that it is a different game, has different characteristics, handling, etc. gets lost on most players. What I hear more frequently is a comparison to 2142 or BF2 but guess what, this is not either of those games.

I know it sounds stupid, and it is, but a lot of players can't get over the simple fact that they have to learn how to play a new game, even if the basics are the same as other BF titles.

The same thing happened when 2142 came out. Some players never progressed past BF2 because it felt different, played differently and I see it here again. Some 2142 players just won't make the transition and that's fine too.

Play what you like but keep in mind you can't really compare any of these titles because they are all unique in their own ways. I'm sure BF3 will have new features that we either love or hate too but you can bet your ass it'll be different.