Sniper Video


Registered User
Nov 27, 2010
Yes, Mac, I finally uploaded it.

I have no idea how to embed, so here's the link.
Its my first vid, be gentle (=
Or something like that. Not that you have too...its just appreciated.

Bonus scenes in credits some of us might remember...?

Quality is still a little low since it was just uploaded.

<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value=";hl=en_US"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=";hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>
Very nice Vengeance. I added the embed for you and thanks for the shout out. I like the guy at around 4:00 when you were lined up on a longer range shot and this guys comes around the corner near you and bam.
Lol @ 3:58

& @ 6:37 WOOOOOO!!!!! "and If I hit da switch, I can make the asssss drop!"
True. 3:58 was just one of those randoms that I luckily got. As you can tell, I was aiming at the guy in the background when the poor sap charged right around the corner into my crosshairs. He must have been heavily damaged already for it to one hit KO of course.
1st: Love the song. I'm a huge LP fan.
2nd and last: How did you get the kills to register as You PWN3D them? LOL!
Thats a custom strings.csv file. I have one and I'll share it with anyone, but it does not say "pwned" or whatever that broken English is. Call me old I guess, just never got into saying that to anyone. The one I have does give you more information and is much better than the stock strings.csv file. let me know
1st: Love the song. I'm a huge LP fan.
2nd and last: How did you get the kills to register as You PWN3D them? LOL!

Strings file. If you look up Soaneyman on YT, he has a download link.
It also has stuff like when instead of th message "player is no more" it says "player F---- himself." Also like instead of BJ2 Combat Knife it says Knife in the Ass.

Thats a custom strings.csv file. I have one and I'll share it with anyone, but it does not say "pwned" or whatever that broken English is. Call me old I guess, just never got into saying that to anyone. The one I have does give you more information and is much better than the stock strings.csv file. let me know

I have the one as well. For some reason whenever I tried changing my own file it never worked, so I downloaded SoaNe's file, and used that.
Its not going to be considered a hack is it??? I dont want to be banned.
No currently PB, EA/Dice does not consider it a hack. I doubt if they ever would, but if they did thousands would be busted.
No currently PB, EA/Dice does not consider it a hack. I doubt if they ever would, but if they did thousands would be busted.
Don't mean to hijack Vengeance's thread, Bob, but while you guys are discussing this...

How come the Battlefield games don't give access to PB screenshots on the server? When I worked at ACI, we busted a hundred cheaters a day just based on visual evidence alone. And every game running PB polls players machines, takes shots of their screen, and stores them on the server. But for some reason, they are not accessible in the BF series. Never quite figured that out. So many more people would get the hammer if those shots were accessible.
I won't pretend to understand PB, but I know that you can take screenshots, and that admin can access the screenshots that are taken.

As far as I know.
So stop hijacking my thread. lolz
Crypt the screen shots are a royal pain to mess with, but I have done and occasionally issue the command to take screen shots of all players on the server and then go back and look at them later. We will have to look into if this provider will allow FTP access to the screen shots at all. It may be possible I will have to get back to you on it.
Crypt the screen shots are a royal pain to mess with, but I have done and occasionally issue the command to take screen shots of all players on the server and then go back and look at them later. We will have to look into if this provider will allow FTP access to the screen shots at all. It may be possible I will have to get back to you on it.
Yeah, very curious about this. Most other games we would just set the time rate at which PB automatically took the shots ( once a minute or so ) give it a ceiling ( say like, 2,000 screenshots or so ) and it just took a screenshot from every player at rate of about 1 shot a minute and stored them on them until it hit the ceiling limit and then just began overwriting them.

Here's an example of the index page with screenshots from the game server. ( I have no idea who's server this is, just grabbed the IP for an example. ) Click on any image link to see what that player sees at any given moment. Notice the players are listed by both player name and PB GUID. That can also be handy for many other things. :-)

Example Commands:

pb_sv_autoss 1 - This setting tells your PB enabled server whether it should retrieve screen shots automatically. Setting to 1 will turn the auto screen shot capture ON and setting it to 0 will turn it OFF. The default is OFF.

pb_sv_autossfrom 60 - This is the MINIMUM number ( in seconds ) that PB will wait after taking a screen shot from players, before attempting to take another one. The default is 60 seconds. Remember that taking screen shots from every player every 60 seconds will rack up a nice number of screen shots in your PB's screen shots folder and use plenty of system resources, sometimes resulting in lag. If there are 10 players on your server and the map lasts 10 minutes, you will be getting 100 screen shots per map. Be careful with this setting. Some recommended settings and samples will be presented at the end of this page.

pb_sv_autossto 1200 - This is the MAXIMUM number ( in seconds ) that PB will wait after taking a screen shot from players, before attempting to take another one. The default is 1200 ( 20 minutes. ) Some recommended settings and samples will be presented at the end of this page.

pb_sv_ssfloor 1 PB - screen shots are taken and then saved numerically. This is the "starting" number that PB will use to name screen shots. Default is 1.

pb_sv_ssceiling 100 - This is the highest number PB screen shots will be saved. After screen shot #100, PB will over write the screen shots starting at your pb_sv_ssfloor setting. Default is 100 but this could easily be reached in a few hours. Some recommended settings and samples will be presented at the end of this page.

pb_sv_ssdelay 0 - Each player will have to wait a random amount of seconds ( up to the number of this setting ) before actually sending the screen shot after the request has been made. This *may* help reduce lag, as all players don't have to send their shots and then get processed and written at the same time, rather they get done randomly within the time frame set. On the other hand, it may cause more lag ( lets say set to 5 ) from screen shots being sent and processed over a longer period of time ( processing 20 players over a 5 second period, rather than an instantaneous "glitch" from all 20 being done at the same time.) Default is 0 which means there is no delay and all shots are taken at the same time.

pb_sv_sspath "" - This is where PB will send the screen shots and the helper html files. The default is "" ( empty ) and need not be specified if you want to keep the shots stored in the default PB screen shots folder.

pb_sv_ssheight 240 - The height in pixels of the screen shot. 240 is the default and the recommended value to maintain a good size while keeping file size and cpu usage at an acceptable level.

pb_sv_sswidth 320 - The width in pixels of the screen shot. 320 is the default and the recommended value to maintain a good size while keeping file size and cpu usage at an acceptable level.

pb_sv_ssSrate 1 - The sample rate ( quality ) of the shot captured. If set to "2" then only every second pixel is taken ( both horizontally and vertically. ) If set to "4" then only every fourth pixel is taken. This reduces file size and cpu usage but significantly reduces the picture quality as well, making it hard to prove those "close calls." Default is 1 and is recommended.

pb_sv_ssxpct 50 - Percentage ACROSS the screen where the center of the screen shot should be captured from. Default is 50 and is recommended to keep the screen shots centered.

pb_sv_ssypct 50 - Percentage DOWN the screen where the center of the screen shot should be captured from. Default is 50 and is recommended to keep the screen shots centered.