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  • Hiya Rain , I'm told you are the man to talk to about getting a name changed in the forum. I would like to change my name from Lobo_4862 to -Lobo- or xx-Lobo-xxx is the first in unavailable . Thanks for your help,
    Hey Rain can I get an unban for someone on AIR maps? [20:54:01] [TBG BC2 Word Filter] CaptSuperKing Banning for Racial Slur!! MY NAME IS INIGO MONTOYA YOU KILLED MY QUAD 10/30/2014 8:54:01 PM
    Hey, I have the Thermaltake V9 BlacX case as well and my 230mm fan on the top went out. I noticed you have a thread about it and was wondering if you ever found a replacement that worked.
    hey i was just banned from a BF4 server who do i talk to about being unbanned thanks ( I was illiterately banned for no reason)
    Hey rain, when I get home tomorrow, I got a free respec, was wondering if I could use your brain for an engi spec?
    Is there anyway to change my name on here from Brandon to CaptainAhhsum(my origin name)? If not just delete this one and i can make another one!
    hey, do you by any chance have msn? could really use it :D (Good Night for tonight though) :)
    IDK if a fire extinguisher is necessary. A fast hand, perhaps. I've bad hardware let out the magic smoke before because I tried to escape on a slimmer budget. Yeah, no more open-box mobos on Newegg.
    I'm operating on the "express gate" system while Windows is FUCKED. LOL. Asus says that since I did my update from Nvidia and not their site that I voided my warranty for this repair. (3rd party downloads void warranty) BLEH! It won't restore from the recovery disks and the partition on the hard drive can't be read. I guess I'm buying a new operating system or getting a set of recovery disks (which might not fix it). Any help or suggestions? My email is shanefister@facebook.com and my number is 724-695-1239 if you can think of anything.
    do you think It's possible to get all of these components for less than $1400?

    i7 2600k OC'd w/ water cooling
    ASUS Sabertooth P67
    GTX 580 2xSLI
    1200W PSU
    8GB of RAM
    128GB SSD
    Throw in a CM HAF and some fans
    Sorry i currently am not. I have the game and when i get back from vacation i will probably request admin to help you guys out.
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