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  • Hi guys the other day i said something i should not have on the bf3 server,a Racial slur.
    i want to appologize for it and let you know it wont happen again,it is so unlike me to say anything like that.
    i was not thinking when i said it and by the time i realized what i said it was too late.
    can you please let me know if i have a chance of returning to your gaming site,promise i will be on my best behaviour from now o
    CountCaupcake I know you will keep coming back in a cowardly fashion. Did you sneak into the safe confinement shelter on your recent trip to chernobyl??
    Funny thing CountCupcake is that I didn't ban you, one of the young guys did for 5 days, but since you went batshit crazy, you made it much worse.
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