Hi I was banned yesterday around 8-10 pm
I changed my name to something less offensive (biganiha) so my friends still recognize its me
My post is the most recent under ban appeals at the moment, if you could take a look that'd be great
Would you mind taking a look at my permissions in B4 I tried to kick someone for just sitting in a tank and not doing anything and got a message telling me I didn't have permission. It was in the Air Maps Server and I typed "@kick name" and it didn't work
Not sure why your team band me from |TBG|- AIR MAPS CONQUEST | HIGH TICK | NO LAG | TBGCLAN.COM but you did. Now I can't get in. I have never cheated. I didn't even have very good rounds. However, your the team I was against was fireing from their base. I was not warned or anything. Sucks.