Recent content by akapeacemaker

  1. akapeacemaker

    FREE! Hell Let Loose for FREE on Epic Game Store

    Damn, I was late to this.
  2. akapeacemaker

    Reporting Battlefield 3 Player foibit

    Banned pending appeal.
  3. akapeacemaker

    So disappointed about BF6

    I've been disappointed since BF4...
  4. akapeacemaker

    Favorite battlefield moments?

    One time I was driving a tank out of base on Firestorm and I just fired a random shot toward the other base. A couple of seconds later my shell hit an enemy jet midair. Most random unexpected kill ever.
  5. akapeacemaker

    No more Armored Kill on BF3 [TBG] CONQUEST?

    Thanks for being willing to move teams. That's always nice to see! On some of the really small maps like Teheran Hwy and Metro, baserape is almost inevitable if one team gains the advantage. However, we don't want baserape to be more common than not. We're trying to sort out some of the more...
  6. akapeacemaker

    No more Armored Kill on BF3 [TBG] CONQUEST?

    We've decided to remove some of the larger AK maps to allow more room for some of the other smaller maps in the rotation. Having too many large maps leads to a lot of rounds where one side dominates and the other side just waits in base for the round to end. That said, we are experimenting and...
  7. akapeacemaker

    BF3 won't load through EA App

    Lately, ive had issues with the EA app not showing BF3 in my game library. What I had to do was to go into task manager and kill the EAhelper app and restart the EAapp and then everything is fine. I have to do this every few logins now. EAapp is such crap... Maybe try that?
  8. akapeacemaker

    What was the joke? If it was a racial/ethnic joke I'm afraid those bans don't get lifted. You...

    What was the joke? If it was a racial/ethnic joke I'm afraid those bans don't get lifted. You should still be able to play on other TBG servers.
  9. akapeacemaker

    Remove Auto-Balance for the BF3 Metro Server

    I'm in favor of team scramble after a good drubbing.
  10. akapeacemaker

    FREE legit games ( Steam, Console, etc )

    Pillars of Eternity: Tyranny:
  11. akapeacemaker

    TBG introduction

    Don't trust this guy. He'll just stab you in the back.
  12. akapeacemaker

    FREE legit games ( Steam, Console, etc )

    GTA V FREE until May 21st on Epic Games Store Thanks to @TakeOverTheWorld for bringing this to light.
  13. akapeacemaker

    Reporting a Player

    He was banned in-game.
  14. akapeacemaker

    Selling i7-9700KF

    Yeah, cool. Just let me know and I'll take care of it.