Recent content by Ash

  1. Ash

    Reporting Battlefield 4 Player IMNOTVACCINATEDg

    Players In Game Name IMNOTVACCINATEDg Which Game? Battlefield 4 Which Server? BF4 [TBG] 60HZ | INFANTRY ONLY + DLC | TBGCLAN.COM What is your in game name? Tackleberry44 (used to be TBG Ash2097) Date and time approximately 12 Sep 2021 14:28:06 1,086 IMNOTVACCINATEDg u filthy...
  2. Ash

    My PUBG Highlights

    Amazing game, highly recommend it.
  3. Ash

    Unkownplayer's Battlegrounds

    Nice, I have got really into this at the moment and like you say gets very intense at time. I've won a few squad matches and came second a few times on duo but still yet to make number 1 on solo.
  4. Ash

    Gamers last longer

    Dailymail...enough said. Actually seeing as most you guys are in the states. Daily mail is a uk news paper not even worthy of wiping your ass with.
  5. Ash

    Unkownplayer's Battlegrounds

    A mate has gifted me a copy of this, think I have most TBG members on steam but add me if not -|TBG|-Ash2097
  6. Ash

    Gaming Anger Management

    This reminds me of the good old days of bf2 and me nearly throwing my computer out the window. You could get some good points from reviving and there was no cool down period on defib. This led to people having their friend go on the enemy team and pick of some friendly while the other kept...
  7. Ash


    Congrats Irish!
  8. Ash

    New Star Wars Battlefront coming.

    Another of what I'm sure will be an unfinished piece of EA turd.
  9. Ash

    VPN For Dummies

    I use private internet security never had an issue.
  10. Ash

    Post your gaming setup!

    They're duplicates, same icons on each screen. Been a while since I had that setup forgot the icons did that.
  11. Ash

    BF1 Winter Patch Notes (Patch Downloading Today)

    About time, BF4 had 2 DLC's out by this time.
  12. Ash

    Post your gaming setup!

    Thanks, yes built myself. Can't fault the g502 would not change it for anything else. They do make some of the best cases, I keep thinking about ditching the watercooling and going for a small build next time in another phanteks.
  13. Ash

    Post your gaming setup!

    Still using the 3770K with the 5ghz overclock. Not made any changes in a long time, not even dusted it in over 6 months. Desk pic is old, changed keyboard etc since photo. System Info: PC Info: 3770K @ 5ghz Asus Sabertooth Z77 16 GB Samsung Green overclocked to 2133Mhz Samsung Evo...
  14. Ash

    BF2/3 rotation Poll:

    6 people out of the 100's that connect...right. You know that not everyone that populates that server comes to the website to vote but just enjoys the server and would possibly disappear after the change. The ones that are not happy with things are more likely to come and make suggestions...