Recent content by GoldenGoat26

  1. GoldenGoat26

    Raspberry Pi 400

    well I would like to learn how to turn it into the emulator of the century
  2. GoldenGoat26

    Raspberry Pi 400

    I purchased a raspberry pi 400 kit and then got the ultimate starter kit from freenove. Anyone here expirenced and could lend a hand? I know there is so many tutorials but i feel if i could get someone to go along with me that's done it too it would help. If i could get pointed in a good...
  3. GoldenGoat26

    Ding Dong, It's me your neighbor!

    I'm just a laid back 29 year old father of 1 soon to be 2 and will probably game till they pull the power from my life support to plug in another monitor. I work at UPS and I'm going to school part time while taking care of the family. I game as a release when I'm not working, studying, going...