Recent content by Keem5771

  1. Keem5771

    Reporting Battlefield 4 Player nogfnoproblems

    This is a report forum, but since your here, Appeal denied, racial/ethnic slurs are forever bans, other TBG servers are open to you, any other infractions can/will get you banned from all.
  2. Keem5771

    Merry Christmas

    merry Christmas!
  3. Keem5771

    Reporting Battlefield 4 Player Darccccccccccc

    yup warned, killed, kicked.
  4. Keem5771


    this is not done here, get video and go to the report forum.
  5. Keem5771

    Saying Hello to the Community!

    hello, welcome to TBG!
  6. Keem5771

    Reporting Battlefield 4 Player maliqnant

    thank you for the vid, and keeping tbg servers safe, whole server knew. lol
  7. Keem5771

    Social Security Breach

    2 factor everything, password, use impossible things only you know, I go mine stolen 7 yrs ago, I still send my irs stuff to another local due to it, and special code they give me, be safe.
  8. Keem5771

    PC Upgrade from Newegg? I got this one a couple months ago, it was 1000$, man they marked it up.
  9. Keem5771

    Ping Limit in BF4

    if we did, the servers would die, it's a world wide server so other countries can play also, and also populate the servers. play day time I think its 180ish.
  10. Keem5771

    Msi 3060ti

    No paypal plz, cash or money order.
  11. Keem5771

    Msi 3060ti

    Selling 6 months old ish, light gaming bf4, Diablo, 350+shiping or best offer.
  12. Keem5771

    UCAV 4 Life!

    UCAV 4 Life!
  13. Keem5771


    When ya do good, it happens, I get hacking admin all the time. don't fuel the fire of their hackusations, just play and let the score board speak for ya. if it's bad report the player on TBG forums.
  14. Keem5771

    Reporting Battlefield 4 Player biQ_Swervo

    Players In Game Name biQ_Swervo Which Game? Battlefield 4 Which Server? BF4 [TBG] 60Hz | ALL BF4 CONQUEST + DLC | TBGCLAN.COM What is your in game name? Keem Date and time approximately 4/22/24 Offense committed Sitting in chopper in uncap, seems to know where everyone was, looked...