Recent content by Lurkmonster

  1. L

    Reporting player(s)

    Also, if you ban me for pointing out what you are to goddamned stupid to figure out yourself. Do it quickly so when I get into a game with Phd4 and suddenly get banned while frapsing him, I won't have to give a shit about posting the evidence.
  2. L

    Reporting player(s)

    I try not to get "angry" when idiot moderator/admins like you defend blatant cheaters like this. But fuck it. I've never, EVER, seen any player get consistent, 4-13 KDR with a 3.5:1 Win ratio on Rush attacking? and 8.9KDR as an engineer? 1K+ skill level? 350+ SPM? Hell I have an SPM of ~330...
  3. L

    Reporting player(s)

    Anyway. I've played this game long enough, and I know how cheats in this game work. If you don't ban him, fine.
  4. L

    Reporting player(s)

    I've been in enough games to tell that he is using aimbot. He's just smarter about it then most. Watching him on killcam, and being on the same team and watching him. He stands far back in conquest and rush games, and just gets kill, after kill. All while standing pretty much out in the open...
  5. L

    Ban Appeal

    Ban AppealWhat is your in game ALIAS(es) Lurkmosnter Which game is it? Bad Company 2 Server name that you were banned on: | 24/7 RUSH/CONQ BEST MAPS | NO LAG Approximate Date/Time that you were banned: 9:30PM central Admin that banned you (If you remember): Server Automatic...
  6. L

    Reporting player(s)

    Reporting player(s)Game Battlefield: Bad Company 2 The name of the server | 24/7 RUSH/CONQ BEST MAPS | NO LAG Date/time: 5-18-13; ~9:00 - 10:00 PM, Central Player(s) name Phd4 Offense committed Aimbot Evidence I wish I had some, but having seen him go constant 10+Kdr...