Reporting player(s)


Registered User
May 18, 2013
Reporting player(s)
Battlefield: Bad Company 2
The name of the server | 24/7 RUSH/CONQ BEST MAPS | NO LAG
5-18-13; ~9:00 - 10:00 PM, Central
Player(s) name
Offense committed
I wish I had some, but having seen him go constant 10+Kdr (50-100+ kills before the game ended) and single digit deaths. Always using a non-sniper rifle weapon and no scope, across map headshots.

This game was Conquest, Arica Habor.

This is the player's stats link:
His accuracy chart is pretty common for individuals who use aimbot, auto-firing when it settles over someones head, even if that individual is behind a wall. Though, in some maps, without cover his accuracy goes up accordingly.

At level 17, he Phd4, his KDR was 5.64, with 95%+ of his shots being headshots with sniper rifles at that point. and 16 ace pins, for 27 rounds.

Now admittedly, I've seen other players do that...but not with an SPM of 600+ at level 17.

He is currently level 50, with an average SPM 375; down from his 400-600 range a few dozen levels back.
I've seen him in multiple matches in BFBC2 in the last year or so, and it is always the same. He gets constant 5-10:1 kdr ratio; wins the game for his team. And no one ever believes me when I kindly point it out.
Thank you for the report, a head admin will look into this.
Stats are not showing me anything here. They look normal for a good player. He is clean at PB, GSC and a few other anti cheat sites.
I've been in enough games to tell that he is using aimbot. He's just smarter about it then most. Watching him on killcam, and being on the same team and watching him. He stands far back in conquest and rush games, and just gets kill, after kill. All while standing pretty much out in the open. And any attempt I made to snipe him, knowing exactly were he was. Got me instantly killed. I even tested it by finding him once on a hardcore server and I TK'd him, he spawned, shot me in the head with an assault rifle - I was on the first Mcom isle of Ilocentes and he spawned on the 2nd base (for the attackers) after I had TK'd him. And shot me instantly. I then spawned on a teammate at the top of the hill overlooking the last MCOMS and was then shot instantly before I even started moving. This happened three or four more times in that game, always with me spawning in different places on different teammates. I also did chose to spawn behind him at the end before I quit; and again he shot me in the head as soon as I spawned in on him, behind him, as he was running fowards to the MCOMS. Wich, in this particular game, we where on the last set of MCOMS with 94 tickets left. I had died 5 times that game. Do I have proof of this, no. But multiple other people do agree with me in game once I point out the obvious.

To reiterate that point one more time. I've played with and against him in several matches over the last year. And I remember him because his behavior is so suspicious. I look for this type of player who is trying to play it "downlow" with his hacks, not going overboard with 50+KDRs like some of them. But it is obvious he is hacking. And since I've seen enough hackers in this game, I know that PB and such, are almost worthless.

If you can't trust what I've just said, I suggest you play with/against him. and see for yourselves.
Anyway. I've played this game long enough, and I know how cheats in this game work.

If you don't ban him, fine.
Would love to ban any cheater, however I will not just take your word for it. We ban off of evidence only. If you have none then it is only your opinion. Regardless of how much you think you know or actually know about the game it is still an opinion. When you have actual proof then we can ban him from all our servers and submit it to the anti cheat organizations as well. Until then we can do nothing for you.
I try not to get "angry" when idiot moderator/admins like you defend blatant cheaters like this. But fuck it.

I've never, EVER, seen any player get consistent, 4-13 KDR with a 3.5:1 Win ratio on Rush attacking? and 8.9KDR as an engineer? 1K+ skill level? 350+ SPM? Hell I have an SPM of ~330, but I constantly push for the objective. with a ~1.4 kdr. And while I admit I'm a 3.4 defender win rate...defending is EASY when I only do it on Port Valdez.

He has over 1800 headshot pins, 2001 Nemesis Pins (as of this post,) think about that. 2000 nemesis points. Just hold that in your head. 5300 Combat Effieciency Pins, 3300 Exellence and numerous other pins that should frankly be impossible based on the number of rounds (1500 he's played, of 1000+ of which he's won.
His primary class, is ASSAULT with an...
M16A2 - SPECACT 9 054 Kills

Lets compare that to say, my main account, that I retired after I stopped being competitive.

My KDR is 2.01, 250ish SPM.
2000 ROUNDS played. 1.2 and 1.94 win ratio for attacking/defending. Just under 700 skill level.

1985 Efficiency Pins
949 Exellence Pins
791 Headshot Pins
680 Nemesis Pins

Finally, I'd like to point out one last thing:

UH-60 Transport air 22h 22m 25s 4 388 Kills
If I break that down, to 80545 seconds. Ever 18 seconds he gets a kill...pretty damn standard..until you realize that he has over 4,000 kills in one of the hardest to aim bullet firing weapons in the game, if not, the hardest to aim in a moving chopper.

22 Hours x 60 x 60 = 79200
22 minutes x 60 = 1320
+ 25 = 80545

YOU, CAN NOT TELL ME, HE IS NOT CHEATING. IT IS FUCKING. IMPOSSIBLE. AND EXCUSE MY FUCKING FRENCH. To get 18 KILLS a second with the UH-60, EVEN IF YOU TRIED. Since I know this cheater plays a lot of Isla Illocentes. However, it is spelled. I know first hand, and have experienced first had him as a gunner in the UH-60.

Lets break his M16A2 SPEC down, that he likes to use crossmap without any scope.
M16A2 - SPECACT 75h 22m 19s 9 054 Kills

75 x 60 x 60 = 270000
22 x 60 = 1320
+19 = 271339 ; 29.96896399381489 seconds per kill. Compare that to my best on either of my chars, and it doesn't even come close. And I'm a tryhard for kills and objective play.

If you don't want to ban him, and just prefer to wait it out till someone manages to catch him on Fraps or whathave you, fine. I have no amount of fucks to give for inept admins. Good day. And goodbye. Use your brain; for once. And do the right thing. Ban the cheater, or do his own teammates have to call him out to...oh wait. They do. Unless the other three (though I'm pretty sure it was really only two) friends of his rally with him and "oh, hes not hacking, he's just got the reflexes of jesus, the aim of chuck norris and the ability to headshot people cross map with an M16 no scope, all the while picking off 5 people rushing him.

Good fucking game, Admin. GG. Sorry, B.G.
Also, if you ban me for pointing out what you are to goddamned stupid to figure out yourself. Do it quickly so when I get into a game with Phd4 and suddenly get banned while frapsing him, I won't have to give a shit about posting the evidence.
While you continue to irritate me with your mind numbing ignorance I will indulge you one last time. Again I repeat myself here, but here it is; this is your opinion and is not fact. Bring us solid proof that we can use to have him banned from every single server that streams to PB and we will be glad to ban him for you. If not get the fuck out of here and don't play on our servers. For the record I personally had a 20+ KDR in 2142. I currently have a 2.9 KDR in BF3. Whats your point? Am I a cheater too?

Players like yourself sicken me with your attitude and your ignorance. I will say it one last time for you and anyone else. Have proof or shut the fuck up. It's that simple.