Recent content by Medic_3223

  1. Medic_3223

    Player to watch out for

    Thank you for the report. I have spectated him for a little while and have not found him to be ramming. I spoke with you also in TS and mentioned if you see him doing it again to let one of us know and we will take care of it. Thank You..
  2. Medic_3223

    Re-release of 2142 through Revive project

    ya i finally figured that out. However bf2 will not update for me so i cant play it
  3. Medic_3223

    Re-release of 2142 through Revive project

    It doesnt have very many resolutions though. I cant get it full screen.
  4. Medic_3223

    Is this GTX 1060 a good deal

    Also don't forget the 1070 consumes less power, is faster, and supports directx 12 fully. Whereas the 980ti consumes a considerable more amount of power is slower and only supports directx 12.1, and even at that it does not perform very well on directx 12. Just a little tidbit. Read some of the...
  5. Medic_3223

    Is this GTX 1060 a good deal

    I wouldn't say the 980ti is comparable to the 1070. The 1070 exceeds the performance of the 980ti by a lot. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. Medic_3223

    BF1 Code issues

    Mine works just fine......
  7. Medic_3223

    Spectator access for the TBG 24/7 Locker BF4 server.

    Thank you Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. Medic_3223

    Wireless Gaming Headset Suggestions This is the way to go. Iguanadon and a couple other also have this set. Its the best wireless headeset i have ever used. Some say its a little heavy but its really comfortable. Sounds is amazing.
  9. Medic_3223

    Spectator access for the TBG 24/7 Locker BF4 server.

    Medic_3223 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. Medic_3223

    Spectator access for the TBG 24/7 Locker BF4 server.

    Any update on whether or not i will get this?
  11. Medic_3223

    Spectator access for the TBG 24/7 Locker BF4 server.

    I would like spectate access. I have been asking about it for a while now and never seem to find someone that was willing to give it up. Let me know. Thanks
  12. Medic_3223

    Government at it's best

    Just send the money to someone in the states and have them mail that shit to you. 20 dollars is rediciculous. I pay like 2.50 a can.
  13. Medic_3223

    OC EVGA 1070

    I am using the precisiong x. I set the the voltage frequency offset at +100 mhz on a basic curve.
  14. Medic_3223

    OC EVGA 1070

    I need some help with OC'ing my 1070 gpu. Here is what i have so far and need some input from you all as i am no expert OC'er. Heres my system: Windows 10 x64bit Intel Core i7-6700k @ 4.00GHz (OC @ 5 was at 4.6 tried 4.8 then 5 and was stable with temps at 24c at idle and 54c at max...
  15. Medic_3223

    PC build for brother

    Alright i know there is a thousand builds out there but i want to maximize based on the current deals out there right now especiall with the ones on newegg. Need a gaming rig built and the budget is between 1000-1200 dollars does not include monitor. GO.