Recent content by Mystic

  1. Mystic

    Balance in Conquest BF3

    Noticed this today as well. I think it's probably due to the wide gap in experience between players.
  2. Mystic

    Leaving TBG and Gaming

    The gaming scene doesn't seem to be moving in the right direction, I feel you on that. We will all miss rushing the enemy objectives in your squad. Take care!
  3. Mystic

    Help rate my pc build

    You won't see much difference in games in beefing up anything, no bottlenecks there. That's a nice setup, 980ti 6GB is a beast.
  4. Mystic

    [Potential] gone due to Hawaii getting fucked.

    Catch dem' waves braddah! Shoots
  5. Mystic

    Squad -- Vehicle damage model Saw this on reddit, useful tool for the latest update
  6. Mystic

    Official Mortar Calc is here!

    Sorry for the extremely slow response. This one takes elevation into account so I'm told.
  7. Mystic

    [Squad] What FPS are you getting? And what hardware?

    Did you update your BIOS post Meltdown/Spectre? That was supposed to affect older CPUs more. Sometimes Nvidia cards will turn on Dynamic Super Resolution after an update and I have to turn it off but if your performance is good in other games that kind of rules that out. Also, make sure the...
  8. Mystic

    [Squad] SUMARI BALA V1 or V2 or V3? Vote

    Yes, I noticed...I'm saying if it has to be one of the three my vote is for a one or three just to change it up.
  9. Mystic

    [Squad] SUMARI BALA V1 or V2 or V3? Vote

    I would say V3 or V1 if nothing else just to change it up a bit. Any way to make the server rotate between them?
  10. Mystic

    Rookie Numbers

  11. Mystic

    Server Reboots

    Ugh is right. My supervisor didn't know it was possibly to lose an AWS instance, so we're all learning stuff with this one. :(
  12. Mystic

    Server Reboots

    Have had several uninitiated server reboots and even an AWS instance go down after scrambling to get our servers patched at my company. Apparently they are pulling the plug on the band aid...
  13. Mystic

    Microsoft's chip security fix is turning some PCs into bricks

    We're having a few random server reboots on some of the systems my company manages which have been blamed on the BIOS patches. Even an apparent failure with an AWS system which I thought was impossible. Everyone scrambling to get our server patches done and then intel says to stop the updates...
  14. Mystic

    Official Mortar Calc is here! Check em' out!
  15. Mystic

    Kernel memory leaks on Intel based systems