Recent content by pcase

  1. pcase

    Reporting Battlefield 4 Player Calvuxie

    Given 3 day temp ban
  2. pcase

    Reporting Battlefield 3 Player SmershTLT

    Given technical constraints, we cannot see this player's chat logs. If you have screenshots that you can share, it would be helpful. With that said, this player has an abundance of reports for rule breaking and was given a 7 day temp ban.
  3. pcase

    Reporting Battlefield 3 Player J4ssent

    Banned for rooftop glitch
  4. pcase

    Reporting Battlefield 4 Player rattIesnake

    And yet we did not have the additional footage provided to BF4DB. We take keeping our servers clean very seriously but based on the evidence we had at the time of this report (3 months ago) there was no action to be taken. Folks slip through the cracks every now and then. Your update on BF4DB's...
  5. pcase

    Reporting Battlefield 4 Player TomosekPL

    Given a 5 day temp ban given the level of griefing...
  6. pcase

    Reporting Battlefield 4 Player verjaila

    I can see their stats for the round in question, but do you have any video for us to look at?
  7. pcase

    Reporting Battlefield 4 Player Exruxx

    Briefcase acquired a new tenant. Second offense for the same behavior, now extended to all.
  8. pcase

    Reporting Battlefield 3 Player ELPELAYITOBEBE

    Add Shakira7070 to their list of alt accounts....
  9. pcase


    Banned, along with most of this clan...
  10. pcase


    This is another 9999 player who is very suspect and I believe was already banned, but looking into it further.
  11. pcase

    Reporting Battlefield 3 Player ELPELAYITOBEBE

    Good catch, their ban has been fixed.
  12. pcase

    BF3 Co-op Unlocks Question

    I don't really play BF3, but someone in the Discord was asking about Co-op mode for weapon unlocks. Can anyone share details on how you'd go about getting these done at this point? Seems like it could be a bit difficult. Any tips/recommendations?