Recent content by Skarren

  1. Skarren

    Reporting Battlefield 3 Player (CTG)dankan1

    Players In Game Name (CTG)dankan1 Which Game? Battlefield 3 Which Server? BF3 ALL CONQUEST MAPS | NO LAG | TBGCLAN.COM What is your in game name? Skarren Date and time approximately 19/06 18:04 Offense committed Aim Botting Additional comments final KD score 210/13, he left...
  2. Skarren

    Reporting Battlefield 3 Player TaiwanIsPRChina

    Obviously a hacker flying aroun, armour taking no damage. Support the ban
  3. Skarren

    Reporting Battlefield 3 Player TaiwanisChina

    Players In Game Name TaiwanisChina Which Game? Battlefield 3 Which Server? BF1 ALL MAPS CONQUEST What is your in game name? Skarren Date and time approximately 4:25 now Offense committed usual kid hacker flktying around blowing up armour and aircraft Additional comments ban...
  4. Skarren

    Reporting Battlefield 3 Player cocoonoobero

    Players In Game Name cocoonoobero Which Game? Battlefield 3 Which Server? BF1 ALL MAPS CONQUEST What is your in game name? skarren Date and time approximately 4.44 Offense committed usual hacer with changed name Additional comments cant we just ban this flying hacker ...
  5. Skarren

    Reporting Battlefield 3 Player coconoobero

    Players In Game Name coconoobero Which Game? Battlefield 3 Which Server? BF1 ALL MAPS CONQUEST What is your in game name? Skarren Date and time approximately (DID NOT ANSWER QUESTION) Offense committed (DID NOT ANSWER QUESTION) Additional comments (DID NOT ANSWER QUESTION)
  6. Skarren

    we need an admin on the BF3 server..

    PS. by taking up the role of ADMIN, you also take up the responsibility and COMMITMENT to ensure the integrity of the game,. I have volunteered my service understanding the Commitment. I served with the British Army, I know what service means.
  7. Skarren

    we need an admin on the BF3 server..

    Disappointing response. You are supposed to be the guardians of the server, serving the players to enable their enjoyment of playing on your server. You have a life so do I.
  8. Skarren

    we need an admin on the BF3 server..

    I have a life and job outside oof BF3, its why I go on line to relieve stress but the amount of hackers, especially today, have totally stressed me out. Ever considered admins outside of the US timeline ? happy to be of service to get rid of these hacking shts ruining everyone's game time.
  9. Skarren

    we need an admin on the BF3 server..

    its about time you admins got in game and dealt with these hacking shts
  10. Skarren

    we need an admin on the BF3 server..

    Seriously ! Hes screwing up the game, no admins to kick him and I need to fill out bloody paperwork......
  11. Skarren

    we need an admin on the BF3 server..

    JeseLORD flying around blowing up vehicles all day. come on the server and ban the little sht
  12. Skarren

    Kicked by admin for high Ping 221?

    fixed the issue by deleting the network adaptor rebooting and letting the PC reload the driver.
  13. Skarren

    Kicked by admin for high Ping 221?

    Rebooted, checked for updates , only the graphics driver updated overnight. Ping test attached.
  14. Skarren

    Kicked by admin for high Ping 221?

    Thanks for you suggestions, I'll reboot my computer. I had issues with PB where there was no packet flow but after reinstalling PB that seemed to fix it though I am unsure if this would affect my ping. I am on a wired connection directly into my modem and have internet speed of 100Mps with...