we need an admin on the BF3 server..

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Registered User
Aug 24, 2018
JeseLORD flying around blowing up vehicles all day. come on the server and ban the little sht
Seriously ! Hes screwing up the game, no admins to kick him and I need to fill out bloody paperwork......
its about time you admins got in game and dealt with these hacking shts
The guy already got 4 reports on him tonight. Matt said he got banned but I think he changed his name quick enough he avoided it. His name was Punjab711 by the end and then the server went down right after he ruined the khard island match
I got in the game to check him out but it disconnected. Chill out. We aren't on here as late as you. Some of us have lives outside the game which means sleep or working or relaxing other ways.
Not your fault there aren't admins on late in the evening that's understandable. Skarren is just upset. But that's also a pretty dumb generalization that people playing late don't have lives or jobs.
It's also pretty dumb to act the way he is. Enough! We will get to it when we can.
I have a life and job outside oof BF3, its why I go on line to relieve stress but the amount of hackers, especially today, have totally stressed me out. Ever considered admins outside of the US timeline ? happy to be of service to get rid of these hacking shts ruining everyone's game time.
We do have admins outside the US..........

as I stated above: We will get to it when we can
Disappointing response. You are supposed to be the guardians of the server, serving the players to enable their enjoyment of playing on your server. You have a life so do I.
PS. by taking up the role of ADMIN, you also take up the responsibility and COMMITMENT to ensure the integrity of the game,. I have volunteered my service understanding the Commitment. I served with the British Army, I know what service means.
The game is toxic, the server goes offline for days due to exploits and other crap, people crashing down the server, players hack it up. This is what happens in BF3 now. We have a report system that we handle when we can.

Can you imagine over a decade later, I am trouble shooting to determine how I can prevent the server from being delisted on Battlelog?

Quite frankly be happy we are still running and supporting the game because if it was only up to me, I would shut down this server for nonsense it gives me daily.

PS. by taking up the role of ADMIN, you also take up the responsibility and COMMITMENT to ensure the integrity of the game,
Wrong. Like renata said, we have lives. We arent going to jump in the server in middle of the night when we have other things.

I cannot even join the game anymore because apparently EA doesnt even recognize me owning BF3 anymore.

We have a report system and clearly for years we have taken action when required. We have proven to take action from years of hard work and dedication, proof is here:

https://www.tbgclan.com/forums/players-to-watch-out-for.28/ (feel free to scroll decades of all the reports)

Now would you jump in bf4 if someone was hacking it up but you were in the middle of a match in bf3?

How about if someone was hacking in our Battlebit server and you are an admin that requires to log out of your game, join Battlebit to follow the player and see what they are up to. But wait you dont have the game, but wait you are an admin so you must, right?

Now picture doing that daily for months, years. Would you be still be committed to drop what you are doing right at that moment, cooking, gaming, on the phone with your mom etc ?

Dont answer that. You wouldnt. Being an admin is volunteer. Next man up, whoever is available, will handle when they can.

And the server crashed right after the very same person was reported that was banned (multiple ways) - coincidence? What's new!

And no we arent going to give admin to anyone. Admin is TBG only, and you need to make the cut and meet our requirements.

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