Players In Game Name 8REAPERzone8
Which Game? Battlefield 4
Which Server? BF4 [TBG] 90HZ | RUSH ALL MAPS + DLC |
What is your in game name? smokerob
Date and time approximately 10:40 pm 2/6/22 eastern
Offense committed avatar is Aryan brotherhood shit
Which Game? Battlefield 4
Which Server? BF4 [TBG] 90HZ | RUSH ALL MAPS + DLC |
What is your in game name? smokerob
Date and time approximately 10:43 pm eastern 2/6/22
Offense committed name will get someone auto banned...
sony could only spend 6 billion......its not like they have the 68 billion laying around to buy the other ones......i miss what sony was.....they had a great audio division and computer division at one point and now all they have really making money is the playstation line.....
Players In Game Name MustardPlug6393
Which Game? Battlefield 4
Which Server? BF4 [TBG] 90HZ | RUSH ALL MAPS + DLC |
What is your in game name? smokerob
Date and time approximately 1:33am eastern 1/29/22
Offense committed race baiting in chat
Additional comments (DID...
Players In Game Name shadowkiller9352
Which Game? Battlefield 4
Which Server? BF4 [TBG] 90HZ | RUSH ALL MAPS + DLC |
What is your in game name? smokerob
Date and time approximately 11:24 pm eastern 1/24/2022
Offense committed racists logo
Additional comments (DID...
ok so after looking around the NGL could stand for "not going to lie".....but i know more then a few racists that use it for slang term for black people.....
the rest should stand on their always up to you all on what you what to do.....
pic 1 X3LIBUR chat filter by pass
pic 2 IchBinBysk-: chat filter by pass
pic 3 Porchind has a logo for a racist Q group
pic 4 [91AR]phiality chat filter by pass
pic 5 Picolin64 race baiting in chat
number 4 happened last night and looking at screenshots i found all the other ones i forgot...
Players In Game Name list of them
Which Game? Battlefield 4
Which Server? BF4 [TBG] 90HZ | RUSH ALL MAPS + DLC |
What is your in game name? smokerob
Date and time approximately in screen shots
Offense committed getting around chat filter to racist emblem
Players In Game Name in the screen shoots....
Which Game? Battlefield 4
Which Server? Other
What is your in game name? smokerob
Date and time approximately 12/28/21 2:00am eastern
Offense committed look at pics and see what should be done about the race baiting.....if anything up...
Players In Game Name LittleJewishGirl
Which Game? Battlefield 4
Which Server? Other
What is your in game name? smokerob
Date and time approximately 8:50pm eastern 12/22/21
Offense committed name
Additional comments on rush server