Recent content by Strawboss

  1. Strawboss

    Taking a break

    I'm going to be taking a temporary break for a while. I'm not sure how long but I'll try to keep in touch, please save a spot for me. Thank you guys.
  2. Strawboss

    player name cause kick?

    I checked into this a little, the word sniger means creeps in Danish and i think "snigeren" is sniger turned into a verb or something meaning "to creep". and not that i can read this but it uses the word Snigeren on this web page which looks like a dictinary entry...
  3. Strawboss

    Server rules

    OMG this is turning into comedy GOLD. Tell us how your going to report us all again and make other threats like i'm gonna get your fired or you'll never work in this town again.
  4. Strawboss

    Your Friendly Neighborhood Automotive Technician

    Hi Sighbuttons, I have seen you around on the server and hope to get some matches together in the same squad.