Just make sure you enforce your server rules. We had a squad sever seeding before and had a player trolling by team killing and the admins refused to kick the player. People will stop playing on your servers with that behavior going on.
eh buddy chill out it was one TK. we don't auto kick on a single TK but what will happen is if you want to continue to be toxic in our server you will receive a ban. The ball is in your court
It was Trolling as i was in the act of placing a radio and hab. He TK'ed and walked off. Rules are broadcast over the server it should be quite clear. Asked for an admin and was no help. Reported it to Delvious with attachments. Also the player that TK'ed was mocking me in all chat. That is Trolling if i have ever seen it. Web who are you and were you even in that match or is this third hand information from someone els?
hmmm odd, it also says "issues with a player report on our website" the guy who TK'd you was warned. like stated before we don't kick on a single TK, now if he was "trolling" you in all chat then report him via the right channels, we are not here to babysit you, shit was handled the way it should have been. "Griefing/Teamkilling IS kickable and/or bannable" therefore leaving it up to our discretion. End of conversation
OMG this is turning into comedy GOLD. Tell us how your going to report us all again and make other threats like i'm gonna get your fired or you'll never work in this town again.