Recent content by Zula

  1. Zula

    Request for SQUAD server Whitelist

    I'm sorry I forgot to add you last night, you're all good now though I got it in there.
  2. Zula

    Request for SQUAD server Whitelist

    I will add you later tonight man
  3. Zula

    R6 SIEGE

    quite a few! ask in discord in our discord I'm sure we can get a team together.
  4. Zula

    Discord request form link not working for me

    it has a 1 day limit so just ask for another one if you don't see this today
  5. Zula

    I made a Squad montage! Check it out!

  6. Zula

    I made a new mix, 30 minutes of deep dubstep

    Oh I'm just a DJ man I only mix songs, I have a few of my own but I was never very good at producing. most people in the industry use Logic, Reason or Fruity loops to make songs. Fruity loops is very easy to use if you wanted to mess around with it
  7. Zula

    New Senior Admin - Deputy Swan

  8. Zula

    Squad Whitelist Request

    should be added.
  9. Zula

    Reporting a player

    If he pops back up I'll watch him, but we need proof
  10. Zula

    NAS 65 Signups

    NAS - Week 65 - KOHAT AAS V2 MAP: KOHAT AAS V2 DATE: 05/13/2018 @ 8PM ET SIGN-UPS: -Roster 1: ΣT -Roster 2: VKT -Roster 3: T//A -Roster 4: aƦ + CIGAR -Roster 5: TBG -Roster 6: VKNG -Roster 7: CoG + BLT -Roster 8: SQD TEAMS: - Team 1 (4/4): ΣT - VKT - TBG - aƦ+CIGAR - Team 2...
  11. Zula

    Heres a new mix I made (dubstep)

    Thanks man!
  12. Zula

    Heres a new mix I made (dubstep)
  13. Zula

    Custom Map Event Signups/Suggestions.

    This weeks map is 'Agrabah' if you haven't downloaded the mod you can find it here. The plan is to do these every Saturday at the same time. It will be played like a normal match, with hopefully some streamers...