1st Two F-35Bs Delivered to USMC

‎"The Marines I have seen around the world have the cleanest bodies, the filthiest minds, the highest morale, and the lowest morals of any group of animals I have ever seen. Thank God for the United States Marine Corps!" ~ Eleanore Roosevelt
Fuck that piece of shit, just what the USMC needed, another god damn widow maker like the Osprey.
Fuck that piece of shit, just what the USMC needed, another god damn widow maker like the Osprey.

It has ejection seats...

and yes it is a POS... a POS that cost the taxpayer 1 trillion fucking dollars in R&D. It's a nice to have piece of technology, that's cutting edge. However I don't think we should have invested in buying them especially since the military is cutting back and we have a FUCK TON of perfectly capable fighter jets that are just as effective as the F35.

the Osprey was needed asset for the Marine corps expeditionary capabilities, their CH-46's don't have the range and they would'nt allow the Army to have the mission, one which we fucking do anyway, so they needed an Airplane that could land like a helicopter.

Cool to see that it only took since 1996 for that airplane to see it's first unit.
the B model is definitely better than the harrier.... the other models can go burn in a fire and never be seen again. why is canada buying them again?
fuck that, let revive and rearm the Avro arrow. seriously, who sends a single engine plane over the arctic? and especially into potential combat.