2 more lameturds


Registered User
Sep 11, 2008
Wuufli is his name. Found him on the Z city maps server. No fog hack I'm pretty sure, but not 100% positive. Our team was complaining because no one ever saw him, but he usually had hi score.

The other fella is Fat-Bong King Dong (same server). Have I mentioned him before?? Incredible scores. He just smells fishy.

I don't think either one of these guys would get on squads either, which makes them suspect. When a player has a really hi score and he's on a squad, then he has some close teammates he is always working with - supplying, reviving. Lone wolf's don't usually have that option.

A Z guy joined the game so I told him about the 2. He said Wuufli was already suspect.
Fat-bong King-Dong - I saw him playing on our Camp G server. If you are 100% he's cheating, I'll ban him :).
I want a no fog hack!!!!!!!!!!!
Why do i have to suffer the reality of the game!?!?!? LOL
BAN Fat-bong King-Dong ON SIGHT! He cheats. Was about to ban him on Gib when he popped offline. EVERYONE was complaining about him including his own team.