wepions, osoma binladin, personaly, flead, afgan, campain, statis, threw, my favorite..."lagitimised mercinary," reasions, cople, privet x12, idenity, canadain, privit, documetn, atenchen, reasion, persue, liably, colected, easyer, civian, removel, emparimentle, treties, assasin, aproched, and you would say reconnaissance not recon.
-They wouldn't let you be a "real military top secret document reader" if you couldn't spell.
-The fact you don't know which license is the highest, and you have it.
-You didn't know the Korean war was mainly against North Korea (The one above south Korea if you didn't know that either)
Everything you listed you can find out easily from google or movies:
1. You go to one of the official special forces websites and it tells you where they operate
2. You can find out you licenses for machine guns if you go to a gun website under police/military section
3. google
4. .....
5. I believe they mention this in the last Bourne movie?
6 ...!?!
However I don't know where the hell you came up with this made up rank of private operator apparently they're specialized in reading documents and being with usmc special ops in Afghanistan.
Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to go have a couple of kittens lick peanut butter off my nutsack.