2008 Presedential Candidate - Who are you voting for?

lol bryant is killing me, stop bryant im laughing so hard my tummy has had enough bwahahahah 021 030 029 :P 026 :D lolz
the war in iraq removing sadam for having wepions he didnt have

as for osoma binladin if i personaly find him first i am going to shoot him in the right leg then the left then nail him to a cross and deliver him to the pentagon

and dont go using the excuse osoma flead to iraq cause i sure as hell know he didnt and for the record i got to go visit my dad during both the afgan campain and the iraq campain and still have an ak round in my right leg to prove it

i still maintain civilian statis threw my dads help and lagitimised "mercinary" action i know the war first hand and the war in iraq is still pointless it wasnt the uses fight and i know the real reasions bush went in there and if that fight should have started it should have been all un forces striking then first blow

if only many people could get in to the pentagon and see the reasions behind the fights

there are days i wish i was nieve
Would be anice delivery indeed. Just out of curiosity, how did you get out there to visit your dad? Sucks you got shot in the leg, at what range was it? Ya, the un doesn't run anything in this country and never will. Terrible corrupt organization in my opinion, but every part of government is corrupt as well. So are you are you a regular at the pentagon? Its a nice place I hear, never been there though.

What in the hell do you mean by "able to maintain civilian status through legitimized mercenary action"?

I don't know, having spent five years in the army that story sounds like total bullshit. Oh well, some people just have a creative imagination. No offense to your dad though. Is he in the Canadian military?
Sharliman my brother is involved in lagitimised mercinary action as well, what unit is your father stationed with?
Dads usmc spec ops
a cople years back my life was endangered due to actions at the pentagon they fixed it acording to us records i have one name i am 28 and have every fire arms licence down the line and privet operators licence on the other side of the great lakes is a real idenity i am 21 and canadain

I did "work" over in iraq as a privit operator in recon it was all total bullshit the usmc did it so i could acualy be with my dad and share time with him as his work keeps him from home at years at a time over the years i have over seen a number of documents that were need to know info and seeing as how those documents me not knowing put my life at greater risk well ya you get the idea io learned to be a real military top secret documetn reader and silence at an early age too early

as for the range i couldnt for the life of me tell ya it entered the back not the front i was paying more atenchen to the nice cover rather then shooting the fucker

The only reasion i am home in canada is cause my mom needs me more then my dad needs me he can take care of him self mom cant and its alot more productive to stick around canada and find work then to persue a career as a military operator doing recon and liably ending up shot you would be suprised as to how much intel thats acted on by grunts is colected by operators then the military its easyer to pass a privet operator off as a civian then it is to pass a grunt off as a civian

if there was to be any war other then hunting for ossoma it should have been in korea(cant remeber north or south)
My brother was a privet operator when he was first recruited in high school by a usmc recon recruiter (he noticed him excelling in his jrotc program.) Now he's a top secret assassin for the pentagon. He hasn't gotten his class 29 fire arms license (for all the weapons) like you have but he will soon. He was just wounded last weekend on a level 5 security mission in bangkok, china...He was shot in the left arm by a Jat 13 limer (I'm sure you've shot it, it's the gun you need to pass the firing test with to get your class 29 firearms license) and it sliced his artery but luckily he got a medi-vac and he's alright, he should be back in the field soon...I wouldnt be suprised if he will be stationed with your father in the mid-east since they're in need of more special ops over there.
My brother was a privet operator when he was first recruited in high school by a usmc recon recruiter (he noticed him excelling in his jrotc program.) Now he's a top secret assassin for the pentagon. He hasn't gotten his class 29 fire arms license (for all the weapons) like you have but he will soon. He was just wounded last weekend on a level 5 security mission in bangkok, china...He was shot in the left arm by a Jat 13 limer (I'm sure you've shot it, it's the gun you need to pass the firing test with to get your class 29 firearms license) and it sliced his artery but luckily he got a medi-vac and he's alright, he should be back in the field soon...I wouldnt be suprised if he will be stationed with your father in the mid-east since they're in need of more special ops over there.

now that is some mighty deep bullshit

1 there are no usmc operations in china only south america and afganistan after the removel of sadam they left iraq
2 class 29 fire arms licence dosent exsist (i dont know the full extent but i beleve level 3 or 4 is the highest i dont know exactly)
3 Jat 13 limer dosent exsist its not even an exparimentle wepion
4 pentagon dosent use privet operators as assasins it violates a long list of treties they would use a marine for that
5 If the mission was security class 5 no way in hell you would know how ever all missions are made public record 20s after
6 the usmc hires whole firms to do the dirty work not individuals if he was aproched by any one it be from a known privet operator group not military

and no my name isnt jason born and i am not an assasin what so ever i am just good eyes and ears

can we get back on topic now?
wepions, osoma binladin, personaly, flead, afgan, campain, statis, threw, my favorite..."lagitimised mercinary," reasions, cople, privet x12, idenity, canadain, privit, documetn, atenchen, reasion, persue, liably, colected, easyer, civian, removel, emparimentle, treties, assasin, aproched, and you would say reconnaissance not recon.

-They wouldn't let you be a "real military top secret document reader" if you couldn't spell.

-The fact you don't know which license is the highest, and you have it.

-You didn't know the Korean war was mainly against North Korea (The one above south Korea if you didn't know that either)

Everything you listed you can find out easily from google or movies:
1. You go to one of the official special forces websites and it tells you where they operate
2. You can find out you licenses for machine guns if you go to a gun website under police/military section
3. google
4. .....
5. I believe they mention this in the last Bourne movie?
6 ...!?!
However I don't know where the hell you came up with this made up rank of private operator apparently they're specialized in reading documents and being with usmc special ops in Afghanistan.

Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to go have a couple of kittens lick peanut butter off my nutsack.
the marines approached me and offered me a tank.. m1a1 to be exact but i didnt have anywere to store it so i turned them down...
I will give you my tank its only two inches 011 016 032 050 027 026

What color is it?
gotta love kittens licking the sa....... Damn, I did it again.....

I am surprised that they didn't offer you an a2 meat. Would have had to put alot f money into retrofitting it if you would have taken them up on their offer. The marines did not catch sadam the army did ...... Fuck it, I am not going to even say anymore. I have heard some bullshit before, bit my god man. You must really take us all for idiots! Class 3 is the highest license you can have for firearms. In order to have one, which are issued by the ATF, you must also be a ffl ( federal firearms license) dealer. Civilians can have supressors, carbine and rifle barrels shorter than 16", and some historical machine guns where parts are not easily available or easily made. In oreder to do this you have to get a tax stamp on alicense issued by the ATF and it mused be approved by your countys head sherrif. Of corse, some states will not allow this at all. Go to the NRA website and they will explain everything. My father purchased an AWC .22 supressor and the company helped him with the paper work. It takes 60 to 90 days to be approved or declined.
abraham is the best, i think. Its like this 008
I'll show you a long tank! :D