@Matt-aka-FAST Hey Matt, could you please shed some light on the biggest technicality that comes to mind? I'm following Portal's evolution and it really is a technology platform designed for communities so if this early stage is not great for communities then something needs to be pointed out to Respawn (ex-DICE) who created Portal. Have you submitted feedback on the issues you have encountered? If it is public I'd like to read! Thanks
I can't even really formulate a full response to this, but I'll try........what about portal, or BF2042 seems to be community driven to you? The fact that portal servers don't offer full XP for global players, or the fact that only one person has admin rights to the server for the duration that they keep it up? Maybe the inability to global talk in a game, or even join a friend/crew, or add platoon tags?? Does any of this sound community driven???
A little tidbit/piece of info on why EA/Dice have done what they have for the past, say 3 game releases..........TBG and other server hosting communities are actually detrimental to the product life cycle that these gaming manufacturers want. TBG has kept BF3 alive for 10 years+, and BF4 alive for 8 years+. We have done this through our exceptional server management, keeping hackers/trollers/exploiters out. BF1, BFV did not offer rental servers, or proper admin rights for hosting parties like TBG and the like, and BF2042 appears at face value to be no different. It simply comes down to greedy corporations, doing silly things that they think are profitable; for instance "micro transactions". BF3/BF4 allowed us to rent servers and admin at our own discretion, tools were provided by authorized third party vendors, and everything was cool runnings as far as server management goes.
BF1/BF5 have both followed their respective product life cycles perfectly, meaning that when one game was released, the player base was so done with the game by the time the next was set to release that they happily parted ways with their money in the hopes that the next game was fixed, or at least marginally better than the last (keep in mind the game probably wasn't broken, just overrun with hackers and exploiters as there was no way to actually police them) they then got their new game, and low and behold by the time there was even the notion of a new release......BAM..... hackers and bullshit swarm the servers.........yet our current BF4 servers seem untouched......BF3 is a little different just because its coming up on 11 years on market next year, and its increasingly harder every year to garner active admins.
Bottom line here, DiCE/EA don't actually care for community based servers, they would rather launch a game, run it for a life cycle of their choosing, and force you to buy whatever they had that was new in the hopes it wasn't broken like the last title......oh yeah, and buy whatever micro transaction they might be selling at the time........Portal was just hook/gimmick to get those hoping for community based gaming to come back and buy this new game.......Meh, it is still early though, we're only into phase three/four of forty+ phase of beta testing.........probably only another year or two left of beta testing till we actually have the final product, so who knows..........
P.S. I've had a beer or two prior to writing this, and may be wrong on some subject matter - I will gladly take any rebuttable! Also note that while the game is hella broken still (like I said we'll be in open beta for a while, while they sort out all the game kinks) it is a lot of fun - I just wish they made it more friendly for play with friends/platoons........