2142 Faster Startup


Registered User
Oct 15, 2008
Rename all the files in the movies folder except Dice.bik:

Go to your ELECTRONIC ARTS\Battlefield 2142\mods\bf2142\Movies

The dice.bik file, for someone god awful reason, is tied to Alt-Tabbing. If you rename it you will NEVER successfully alt-tab. After doing this the only thing you'll see is the DICE logo then the login screen. This is a must for all 2142 users.
I saw this written somewhere. I believe you can search google for 2142 tips and this is one of them...
I think it was originally in the tweak guides write up but it's blocked at work......just like everything else. I'm sure if this site wasn't .org it would be blocked as well.
this site is a ".com"
yeah it was tweakguides... i remember now.
useful info there. i never did them because i've had so many probs with pb that i am too afraid to do anything out of the norm.
get the fuck out-a-here! i didn't know they owned the .org also!
You cant just delete all the movies from that dir. You need dice.bik or you wont be able to Alt+Tab, learned it the hard way
Yes you could. Alt+tabbing is so much easier though :P.
Lucky bastard!! :P. I need to get a laptop soon... :(.