68 Personal Kills in TBG Isla SQDM (Oh and look at that high cliffer)


Mar 6, 2011
Forgive me for bragging but since ive sucked so bad until now and still do to an extent I just had to post this. This is what happens when sixer and balls arent fckn my day up so I can actually kill people.


Oh and the high cliffer if u feel like being mean. He was only up there once the hole round, I didnt warn him and I have a ton of screenshots of him from start to finish.

I started out in alpha for a few kills but decided it would be better to be on the squad who wasn't doing anything. So I had a chance to win it but in the end they caught up. I still spent the majority of the game with more kills than entire squads.

EDIT - I just caught something else. Someone wearing TBG tags and not 100% sure if its one of yalls alternates or what but after what i saw earlier today...lol
nice, you got all those kills with the engineer kit?

Yeah engineer sa is what ive mostly used lately used it all round that time. I am now 300 kills from platinum on the ump sa and figure ill go ahead and do the regular ump next.
i like hitting ping pong balls with my cock like in jack ass 3, so full of great ideas thoes bunch of guys are!
i like hitting ping pong balls with my cock like in jack ass 3, so full of great ideas thoes bunch of guys are!

shit i wanna do some of those shoppin cart stunts again. Those were really fun.

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