A must see on bf3

yeah that will be incredible stupid if they leave that like that, i won't play it if thats all people will do, and you know there will be
ppl in bfbc2 do stupid shit and the games been out for more than a year. people will do stupid shit in mw3 and bfbc3 - its inevitable.

People expect perfect - after players get there hands on the game they will tweak the gametypes and pick a good map rotation and have it running on there servers 24/7, Like we do now. Im sure theres gona be alot of BS even when the game comes out...theres gona be patches...nerfs....op weapons, bugs, glitches...the game will get cleaned up after theres 1 million + kids playing the game.
Shits gay bro I know! I was disappointed also.
That's way more sad than funny. I wonder if any of them ever get out of the house or change their underwear. Seems the briefs are a little constricting.
i did that too xD. just fur fun.

i do not camp.
You never did that in Regular mode? I noticed it the first day and said that was the stupidest thing I have ever seen. I'll just sit back here and spam the Q button and fire at the dots. Great fun.....Not. One of the patches, I believe, allowed server admins to eliminate the 3D spotting.
he thinks camping is what him and his man friend do on the weekends up in the mountains.
That 3d spotting this is horrible. I was alright with the minimap spotting. I dont know how many of you have heard of the game "world of tanks" but they have a mixed 3d and minimap spotting. However one feature about the games spotting I enjoy is that distance is a factor. If a teammate points someone out and you are too far away from your teammate you dont get to see the spot. I think this would be awesome in BF3 because it would force more teamwork and less lonewolfs.

I agree with those people about the commo rose. I really enjoyed having that feature. Because when you ask for Ammo people seem to pay attention more since you had to manually go and ask instead of maybe accidently pressing Q and having a small voice say "I need ammo"
Shootable lights. Period.
No online FPS has working shootable lights.
Shits funny in this thread....... sixer balls hahahhaha