Absent for a little bit soon

There is some special service software on boot discs... that would probably help you out of a lot of doodoo, but sadly i have forgotten the name of that godly service disc with which i acquired admin passwords in my school

hirens boot cd.

Sent by Tapatalk carrier pigeon via Nexus 5.
I have a feeling you already know this Six, but just in case: You can use any windows disc, even a download (MS sanctioned) to install. No need to buy a new copy just for the product key either, there's freeware that can pull your current one from the registry if needed.
I have a feeling you already know this Six, but just in case: You can use any windows disc, even a download (MS sanctioned) to install. No need to buy a new copy just for the product key either, there's freeware that can pull your current one from the registry if needed.

also installing Windows 8 from a usb 3.0 drive (don't borrow one from your wife apparently) is super easy and makes the installation super fast.

Sent by Tapatalk carrier pigeon via Nexus 5.
No usb...too slow. Besides, I'll be doing the install via disk which isn't much faster but still.
I have a feeling you already know this Six, but just in case: You can use any windows disc, even a download (MS sanctioned) to install. No need to buy a new copy just for the product key either, there's freeware that can pull your current one from the registry if needed.
Yeah, but I did the upgrade from Win 7 so it would be a two step install process, if that's even still possible, and who has the disks for that still? Anyway, already bought a copy of Win 8.1 so it's a moot point, but thanks anyway.
usb 3.0 win 8 install takes about 5 minutes.

Sent by Tapatalk carrier pigeon via Nexus 5.
Nope, it's just like installing win 8 except it asks for the 7 disc to check you own a copy.
Yeah, except I can't find that disk either...all my system disks disappeared when we moved. Where they went IDK which is why I got a new copy of 8.1. So far all I've found, and I've gone through everything, are my BF discs going back to 2142.
Yeah, you'd think I"d know better...sigh.

Edit: I did have the satisfaction of throwing it in the trash though :)...after I'd beat on it with a small sledge hammer.
I have a feeling you already know this Six, but just in case: You can use any windows disc, even a download (MS sanctioned) to install. No need to buy a new copy just for the product key either, there's freeware that can pull your current one from the registry if needed.

THIS. You can actually download a retail iso from microsoft's own servers assuming its a retail key.

Edit - As far as the 7 disk goes, fun complication but if it was retail, thats easy :p
Nah, figured I'd wait for the holiday sales and then get the monitor I want too. Hopefully the price will go down for the holidays from that whopping $800
Nope, but if it's not on sale I'm getting the damned thing anyway by the end of the year :) Between that, the cpu, and possibly a new gpu it might be an expensive end of year for upgrades.
Well let me know when you're ready to part ways with that 780. ;)
Saw one (ASUS OC) on sale today for $293. =)
I wonder if you got infected with the new Bash Bug that's going around. Good to see you back.
Well let me know when you're ready to part ways with that 780. ;)
Saw one (ASUS OC) on sale today for $293. =)
Mine's the Evga hydro copper...if you water cool it's a good card but it's not set up for air cooling