Add addition to the server rule plz


Registered User
Jul 31, 2009
Since I don't see where I made a mistake, and I know it's your server your rules, perhaps you can append this to the server rules....

BY any chance that transport is about to blow up, say "get out" 3 times from transport, then bail to a place where no enemy or friendlies are around so it doesn't consider ramming. If you do all that, we still might consider kicking you..
sometimes its accidental sometimes its deliberate, our admins use their best judgement when it comes to that.
I guess I was just mad that I was switched to a crappy team, so I just quit the game.

However, I do feel one of the thing one of the admin said is wrong... I believe it was " ramming = bailing " yea.. that's not correct.. other than that, I don't have a problem with your server.
if you bail and drop it deliberately on someones head that can get you kicked thats what the admin is referring to (repeated offence). Accidents happen too. Again comes down to judgement.
usually, I don't get pissed till the second time; then it's deliberate. Bailing out is not against the rules;