Advice on video editing software and formats


Mar 6, 2011
Here is the deal. I am heavily invested in Pinnacle Studio and have been using and upgrading since version 9. I dont own too many upgrades except for the standard licenses for various formats.

I am tired of the buggy software and typically not quite so standard output of standard formats. I am looking for an alternative thats not expensive but doesnt really lose anything. I was looking at Sony's Vega HD 11 Platinum and at 70 bucks it seems okay. I have always opted for this and that but never truly use the hell out of editing software. I am able to composite in Pinnacle and thats something not to lose.

I am also looking for a format to use for encoding all sorts of video. I just encoded my BF3 Alpha Videos with Pinnacle in mpeg4 with gspot not being able to confirm what actual codec was used... typical for pinnacle output. Even at 12K bitrate the text is riddled with artifacts and unfortunately thats the max for whatever codec it really is.

So looking for a format that either handles text well in video compression or does a high enough bitrate to achieve that while scaling well for non game purposes. Something highly supported and somewhat future proof. I was thinking H.264 fits the bill but does it really? It's native to alot of things now and you can pretty much burn it to a dvd or bluray and play in a bluray player.
I'll get ahold of my boy back at home that's all he does is video editing from 480p to 1080p also codecs I use to do all this when I was younger. But I'm so out of the loop. I'll get back to you.
I downloaded and tried Pinnacle. Didn't like it. I now use Vegas Pro 10.

Generally render as .mov using Sony Codecs.