Age of Empires II HD

Redo the 2d sprites and recompile DX libs for a 10 year old game? Slap $20 on it. What can go wrong?

I was never an AOE fan though. You'll see me playing supcom2 now that Chris Taylor seems to have some interest in spending maybe a couple of people's dev time to actually bring the game to some sanity after 3 years of abandonment. You don't see that shit happen every day... until PA comes out.
ORLY? I loved Supcom 1; sadly can't get the bastard working on my win7 machine. Supcom 2 demo put me right off - but if it's being repaired....? Where did you get this from Heat?
I didn't care about supcom 1/fa. The scale was good, the experimental units were very strong and took appropriately extremely long to build, but the micro and pathfinding were kinda fail.

Supcom2 update was posted on the steam news last week, lol. Everyone's like WAAAAAAAAT. The game had literally been abandoned for 3 years, and now they came back and adjusted a bunch of RP points, and most notably fixed a few glaring things around lobby connections/disconnections, as well as put the research data into the checksum, basically solving the rampant RP cheating which was 50% of why I "soft-rage" quit the game a while ago.

If you're looking for epicness, supcom2 won't appeal to you. You'll never see a 1v1 competitive game lasting above 15 minutes. Ever. Well, maybe if someone decides to troll and the other guy doesn't quit, but most games are over by 7-8:00. 4v4s can be extended but usually not beyond 20:00 as well. Things escalate and spiral pretty quickly, especially due to the RP bonus that the winning person/team gets.

However, the micro/responsiveness and pathfinding in supcom2 are supreme (pun underextended over my extended tense tendon). The experimentals are meant to be spammed, usually, or used together with other units, not by themselves, and die somewhat quickly left alone. There are more "activated abilities", so basically the game is more oriented towards faster pace, and MUCH more micro than supcom1/fa ever had. Some people like it, some people don't. I happen to love it. Supcom1/fa were great as well, just different.

The biggest turn-off to me was the horrible "if you can't afford it, you can't queue it" economy, which was fixed in a patch in August 2010 (one of the last this game saw). Then, I started playing the game quite a bit more until the RP cheating and other exploits became rampant, as well as when the "community" shrunk to like 5 people who play the game properly (normal speed, no exclusions, ASS).

That being said, there is no "community," the game is still "dead" in most respects, but the patch and the rumblings that there might be more updates to come this year give me hope of some resurgence (i.e. the 5 people who play this properly increasing to maybe 25).

I think it's a Chris Taylor-style cash grab to try to capitalize on some of the renewed interest in RTS due to Blahcraft2 derp of the swarm, and most notably PA. But hey, even if it's a half-assed attempt to revive a game which has been on life support without brain functions for 3 years, it's still something, right?

If you buy it I'll play with you 1v1, offer tips if you're interested in becoming better (have about 1500 hours in the game, mostly pvp multi), or even play against the boring fAilI/gAyI.