[BF4] Air & Sea Map stuck in a Lancang Dam loop.


Registered User
Jul 5, 2019
Keeps reverting back to Lancang Dam, even though vote map says that another map will be next. It will even just restart in the middle of a game for no reason, this has happen 3 times today. It is hard to keep the server populated all day with Dam as the only map. We need to have all six maps back, please.
I restarted the server. Please let me know if it is still a problem.
The server has only been playing Lancang Dam all day. Tru reset it once already.
So the server just kicked over half the people in it with the message that the "server is full." Is that the adaptive thing? It happened between rounds.
Thanks Matt for all your hard work on keeping the servers going. Thanks for adding the naval maps back in too.
Howdy Matt,

Thank you for keeping the Navy Maps up and running smooth for all these years!

Last night I was playing a round of Nasha around 10pm. There was approx 300 tickets remaining when the screen faded to black and loaded up Lancang Dam (it didnt end the round or take vote for next map). I played until end of round and once again It didn’t take vote for next map and reloaded Lancang again.

Looking at the Graph below, it appears everything worked fine from 2-10pm. Is there possibly a leftover script triggering at 10pm that needs to be removed? If not, maybe you can just reset the server and see if that fixes it.

Thanks Bro!


I know once certain amount of players leave it switches back on base maps only (easier to bring in traffic for the next day). It’s possible it starts all over again on the main map which is lancang.
Just did the reset from Nasha Strike back to Lancang Dams, 17 players on the server and the round was only 5-10 into it.
Just did the reset from Nasha Strike back to Lancang Dams, 17 players on the server and the round was only 5-10 into it.

I’ve implemented an auto map list to switch when player counts goes below a certain threshold but I don’t know if it switches mid round or not. Looks like it does but don’t see any comments for our other servers that have this so it’s a bit weird. I see that it’s has a lot of players currently so at least should be okay for now
It seems when the server is below the DLC threshold, the votemap never takes place. Whenever there are enough players for naval strike, it works.
Thanks again @Matt-aka-FAST for all your work keeping this server going!

I do have one small request. Earlier in this thread you said Lancang Dam is the "main map" of the server which means the server defaults to it after the player count is too low. Would it be possible to change that to Paracel Storm to make it more of a sea map? Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think Paracel is from Naval Strike so it shouldn't affect the DLC player barrier.

Thanks again!
We could try but I think golmud performs better on map start up. I’ll change to parcel for now
Hi again,

I just want to understand exactly how the map switching thing is supposed to work. I'll explain what I've experienced since the Paracel thing.
When the server is populated well enough (don't know exact numbers) it will load Naval Strike DLC into the votemap system. Cool, I think I got that. If, during the middle of a round, players leave so DLC gets unloaded, the server reverts to Paracel Storm without first finishing the round. I understand that too, and it makes sense. Once the server gets really low on players, like less than 4, a message comes up in chat that says something like "players are leaving, switching to [EMPTY MAP]" which I thought was going to be Paracel. Instead, at that point, the server switches to Lancang Dam, even if it was on Paracel or even if it was Lancang it still reloads the map. The result is the server sitting empty waiting for players to join but it's on Lancang. I have talked with people on the server who say they leave when Lancang comes up (have to say, I'm not the biggest fan either), so it only hurts the server further.

I think Golmud Railway would also populate the server better than Lancang, I just asked for Paracel for the boat action.

Thanks again!
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Seems something might be going on with the map rotation and vote system. Earlier, the server was full and playing on Nansha Strike, a DLC map. A vote was taken and Lost Islands won, another DLC map. Instead, the server loaded Paracel Storm. I thought maybe it was because too many people left, but both teams had about 25 people. During that round, the vote picked Rouge Transmission to be next. Instead, it loaded up Golmud Railway with still a moderately full server. Something must be going on with it. @Statistic68 was in when it happened.