[Squad] Alpha 5 is out, anybody in TBG play Squad anymore?

I think more of a Tennessee thing. I think both terms acceptable but thats in my world. I really havent read or FM"s regs in 45 years my auto update isnt working as well Golden years my ass.
haha. Front Peace Sign right?
No worries I also cant see the "post/front blade sight" on my rifles anymore so reality creeps into gaming life. Oh Hum.
Sounds like you were / are a 03 ?
nope, just is on your avatar ;).
I am a Nasty Girl, Army Nat. Guard. Started off as an RTO, then moved to Vertical Engineer PLT. I like to read, so it was awesome, Army has books on everything(which is sort of an oxymoron to me)....Hell I found a TM on a Javelin laying around my old Armory, had to take a shit one morning, came out knowing ins-outs of Javelin Operations/PMCS and Tactics
I was in for 4 years starting Nov. 68. When you said "post" my memory banks said you were correct after I had posted. Although, here in the boonies of Tennessee most wouldnt know what your talking about if you said post unless it was a fence post.. I have regressed and enjoy here. Find a book on pole line construction thats what I did. Maybe Squad could have a "for the vision impaired" option for us older gamers
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Is anyone else playing this game? I'm getting to know several players in the Squad community but it would be nice to develop strategies with fellow clan members. I'm getting a pretty good understanding of most maps, including good locations for FOB's, advantage and attack points on most objectives, etc. It would be nice to develop these together. Please lemme know when you plan on playing and I'll make sure I'm around.
Exodus, myself, deputy, elkabong and others play. We are waiting for vehicles before getting a server

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So no one is playing on other servers? I heard vehicles are to be added in June.
Most of us played a lot and got burned out earlier. Once vehicles come, it changes the dynamic and fun a lot.

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