Amazing bad asses: Romanian Special Forces - SPP

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Oct 16, 2010
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Pretty neat. You should really read up on Seal Team Six (now known as Naval Special Warfare Development Group [commonly known as DEVGRU]) and/or the Army's 1st SFOD-D (Delta Force). Not alot out there for obvious reasons, but some amazing operators. A relative of mine retires next spring after 24 years on Seal Team 2, and the stories he has, good God.
Gay! How's that training? And the bricks.....ahahahaha...ahh... Was some funny shit. Thay were poor quality. Did you see the dust off them. It was like a bad Las Vagas show. IMO
I wonder what the Practice/Death ratio is for those exercises with shooting the bricks next to someone's head...
Im sure that that video is intended promo/"show of force" heat, the target next to the head is the most irresponsible negligent thing I have ever seen. It's cool yeah, but when you loose a dude from FF, after spending 1mil + training the dude, its just retarded.
i wanna be the guy who smashed stack after stack of donut boxes

the Bela Karyoli floor exercise near the end was a nice touch
The kungfu kick of death in the ring of fire was actually pretty cool
Im sure that that video is intended promo/"show of force" heat, the target next to the head is the most irresponsible negligent thing I have ever seen. It's cool yeah, but when you loose a dude from FF, after spending 1mil + training the dude, its just retarded.

They don't spend any money training them. They just pull the guys who can shoot straight and give them a cool hat. This is Romania, remember?
just so you know mega, we pick apart videos regardless of where they are from. heck if this was a video of SEALs we would make fun. and Canada would still kick all other countries' asses :p
Wow, that crazy stuff. I dont think any army uses their soldiers to hold target on the shooting range any else where in the world :o Correct me if I am wrong.
I liked the video.
Hey bros, in related news I am a new member of the Romanian Special Forces team. We dress up like ninjas and do cool shit all day. I scissor-kicked a llama!
What an incredible display of stupidity, holding targets while someone shoots them. I use to shoot & own AK, AR15,HK93 & and a mini-14 and I tellin ya I wouldnt be on the same parrallel as bullet frags. (oh yeah Canada would kik other countries asses 4sho)
Can we please keep this civilized, and not put down other countries.

This are just soldiers doing their job. If a training requirement is being able to stay cool while somebody shoots an AK inches from your head - it's the DECISION of the higher ups. Talk about them!

This people have fought in Afghanistan and Iraq since the beginning of both wars. They suffered over 50 casualties protecting American and NATO lives, which for a small elite team - it's a lot. They did not have any active duty combat protocol, their sole combat mission was search and rescue. This is on top of the casualties suffered by the regular Romanian army - but the regulars do not do much combat, just protect US bases. Small irrelevant contingent anyway.

I am sure that the US troops saved/rescued by this guys also thought that they played "dress up" and were thankful that they trained with "lamas".

Anyone who serves his country as a volunteer is cool in my book. Up close target practice with live ammunition makes them bad asses. Stupid or not. That is all.

Some of you here have shot the AK. You know the freakin recoil..........The last guy target practicing shoots two assault rifles at once. Just look how steady he fires with one hand. That is skill! That is amazing skill considering that he just broke rows of brick with both hands!
Never mind that he is using the Romanian folding stock paratrooper edition AK, without the full support of a stock.

Actually they where carton boxes of donuts. That's why they did not catch on fire(sitting inches away) or why they make copious amount of dust when broken. Good catch!
Eh, calm the heck down. We make fun of everyone.

Also, the Romanians make some damn good Kalash weapons. One of my AK-based (have three of them at the time) weapons was made in Romania and recoils differently than my Russian made AK-74M and American made AK-101 (not really a 101 it just fires 5.56). I actually prefer firing the Romanian PM md. 63 compared to the other weapons. It's a little heavier feeling, but I think the weight helps compensate for the larger caliber.
Boon I think it's his first rodeo. Maybe we should take it easy on the lad. He's a wee bit sensitive :(
Fun fact: The US has only declared war 5 times, the last being WWII.

Edit: Formally declared war :)
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